Posted by lili on July 24, 2002 at 13:02:12:
In Reply to: Re: I need to loose weight! please help me. posted by sky on June 01, 2002 at 18:54:11:
: : : : : How would you like to very quickly notice inches and pounds
: : : : : melting away? How would you like to eat sensibly,c ontrol your
: : : : : appetite, and have increased energy? I have lost 11 lbs and
: : : : : 3 inches in my waist in 2 months. Please e-mail to find
: : : : : out how you too can loose without starvation or food restriciton
: : : : : those unwanted pounds.
: : : : How can I loose 30 pounds in 3 months?
: : : Please help me! I am 127 pounds and I am only 13 years old and 5 feet 3 inches tall! I am going to the beach in April and I want to wear a bikini! Please HELP!