Company Name Address Primary Product
Accurate Cabinets 1312 Yorktown St. Kitchen Cabinets
Advanced Ordinance Corp. 1871 Mason Ave.
Aircraft Parts Exports 1280 Biscayne Blvd. Aircraft Engines - Parts
Air-Land-Sea 1412 Intrepid Dr.
AeroGraphics 725 N. Lexington Ave. Advertising - Magizine
AeroMasters, Inc. 955 Flightline Blvd. Specialized Aircraft Mfg.
Aluma Shield Ind., Inc. 725 Summerhill Drive Metal - Insulated Panels
American Preferred 1384 Saratoga St.
Archer Craft Boat Co. 1562 Old Daytona Cir. Boat Builder
Ardmore Farms, Inc. 1915 N. Woodland Blvd. Food - Juice Processing
Aqualink, Inc. 1721 Ranger Ave.
A.D. Fair's Foods 1213 Biscayne Blvd. Food - Comm. Preparation
Bell Products 510 W. Arizona Ave. Athletic Netting
Bemco Fabrication 1544 Old Daytona Cir. Auto-Race Car Production
Benline Color Process Co. 1765 Langley Ave. Print Process Color Posters
Boston Communication Group 1398 S. Woodland Blvd. Telecommunication Ser.
Boulevard Retreaders 1201 Biscayne Blvd. Automotive Tire Mfg.
Central Florida Linen 1250 Biscayne Blvd. Linen Service
Central Management Co. 1309 U.S. Highway 92
Cole Bros. Circus 1038 Martin Street Entertainment
Concorr, Inc. 1720 Langley Ave.
Creative Awards & Nameplates 869 W. New York Ave. Offset Printing, Nameplates
Creative Design 1555 Detrick Ave.
Custom Dive Boats 1416 Intrepid Drive Dive Boat Builder
D&H Enterprises 1540 Langley Ave.
Dialysis Laboratories 1991 Industrial Dr. Medical Kidney Dialysis
DeLand Florida Air Sports 1600 Flightline Blvd. Recreational Skydiving
Delta Machine & Tool 1501 Lexington Ave.
Deltona Transformers 801 U.S. Hwy. 92 Electronic Transformers
DM Plastics 1813 Patterson Ave. Medical Plastics Molding
Fiberform Manufacturing 1838 Patterson Ave. Fiberglass Construction
Florida Gourmet Foods Patterson Ave. Chocolate Candy Manufact.
Florida Filmaster 1838 Patterson Ave.
Florida Marble Design 1635 Patterson Ave.
Flomet, Inc. 1301 U.S. Hwy. 92 Surgical Tools
Gambro 1990 Industrial Dr. Hemodialysis Fluid
General Polymers / Ashland 215 Hazen Rd. Chem - Distribution Resins
Geomar Corporation 1720 Langley Ave.
Grand Products 1600 Essex Ave.
Great Amer. Rock of DeLand 1842 Patterson Ave. Stone Products
Havlen Bedding 1315 Int'l Speedway Blvd. Bedding Products
IDM Plastics 1813 Patterson Ave. Plastic Injection Molding
Intellitic / Brunswick 1560 Lexington Ave. Chemical-Houseful Bleach
JBR Industries, Inc. 1531 Old Daytona Rd. Metal-Machine Repair
JMC Outfitters 1301 Yorktown Rd. Silk Screen Equipment
Jump Shack 1665 Lexington Ave. Recreation Parachute Mfg.
Keller Kitchen Cabinets 2526 W. State Rd. 44 Kitchen Cabinets
Kendall Corp. 2010 U.S. Hwy 92
Kenlee Precision 20 1731 Patterson Ave Machine - Tool Repair
Key West Sauces 1842 Patterson Ave Food Sauces
Kincaid Trailers 1540 Langley Ave Cargo - Trailers
Lewis Metal Services 1315 U.S. Hwy. 92 Recycle Alum / Copper
Longleaf Forest Products 1325 Yorktown Street Wood Preserving
Marble Magic 1750 Lexington Blvd. Cultured Marble
McCall Printing 1701 Airport Terminal Rd. Publication Printing
Merlin Suits 1400 Flightline Blvd.
Mesa Industries, Inc. 1560 Lexington Ave. Plastic Containers
Mirage Systems, Inc. 1501 Lexington Ave. Parachute Equipment
National Water Treatment 1557 Detrick Ave.
Orlando Helicopter Airways 1380 Flightline Blvd.
Pads 1280 Biscayne Blvd.
P.D. Source 1665 Lexington Ave. Parachute Equipment
Performance Design, Inc. 1300 U.S. Hwy. 92 Parachute Mfg.
Petroleum Technicians 1776 Langley Ave.
Pirello Marble Co. 1730 Patterson Avenue Marble Design
Port Orange Products 1835 Bennett Blvd. Building Insulation Mfg.
Printmax 1280 Biscayne Blvd. Printing
QPE Patterson Park
RAF Technologies, Inc. 200 Lexington Avenue
R.B. Weld 1340 Flightline Blvd.
Relative Workshop 1645 Lexington Avenue Parachute Mfg.
RMM/ITI, Inc. 1301 Saratoga St.
Sales Connection 1280 Biscayne Blvd.
Scenic City 904 W. Minnesota Ave. Sign Manufacturing
Seco Dairies 1600 Essex Avenue Food - Juice Concentrates
SLM Boats, Inc. 1815 Patterson Ave Boat Manufacturing
Spreng Enterprises, Inc. Industrial Avenue Boat Mfg. - Customized
Steel & Post Building 1721 Langley Ave Steel Beam - Construction
Sunflower Carriers 2020 Edison Drive Trucking - Common Carrier
Talk Communications, Inc. 1280 Biscayne Blvd.
Taylor Precast 840 West Ave. Precast Concrete Products
Technetics Corporation 1600 Industrial Drive Jet Engine Seals
Technical Products Group 2000 Brunswick Lane
Team Plastics, Inc. 2025 Edison Dr. Plastic Product Mfg.
Turbine Design 1340 Flightline Blvd. Aircraft Design & Mfg.
U.S. Filters 1750 Filter Dr. Filtration System Mfg.
Vivra Laboratory Services 1993 Industrial Dr. Kidney Dialysis Testing
Water Equipment 1412 Intrepid Dr.
W. Volusia Truss Corp. 748 E. Hwy. 92 Truss Manufacturing
Wonderwood Corporation 1525 Langley Ave.

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120 S. Florida Ave
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DeLand, FL 32721
Phone: (904) 736-3900
Fax: (904) 740-6869
Web Site Administrator: David Watson

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