For Pain Relief, Stress Reduction and/or Relaxation...

Herbal Pac is Becoming the #1 Fastest Alternative to
Out Dated Electric Heating Pads & Leaky Gel Packs

The Herbal Pac has been sold and is used
by many across the United States Including:
Hospitals, Physical Therapists, Massage
Therapists, Chiropractors & Nursing Homes

The Herbal Pac Comes in Many Beautiful Fabric Designs
and Makes a Perfect Gift For Both Men & Women.

Weight: 1 1/2 lbs.
Contents: 12 Healthy Aromatic Herbs


When Heated or Cooled the 12 of Natures Most Powerfull
Herbs Inside Go To Work With Fast, Soothing Action

HOT - to use for a heat pack, place in microwave on high for 2-3 minutes.
If moist heat is needed, mist pack with warm water before heating.
Nature's Therapy Herb Pac will retain its heat for approximately 45 minutes.

When heated the Herbal-Pac helps to sooth:
Arthritis, TMJ, Sport Injuries, Migraines, Headaches, Earaches, Backaches,
Neck Pain, Muscle Pain, Menstrual Cramps, Bursitis, Tendinitus, Sinusitis,
Flu, Stress, Colic, Restless Leg Syndrome, Insomnia...and more!

COLD - to use for a cold pack, place in a plastic bag and put in freezer for
1 - 2 hours. Nature's Therapy Herb Pac will stay cold, dry and flexable for
approximately 30 minutes.
(Store in cool dry place or freezer when not in use.)

When used cold the Herbal-Pac helps to sooth:
Bruises, Hives, Black eyes, Insect Stings, Bursitis, Nose Bleeds, Cold
Sores, Fever, Foot Aches, Shinsplints, Sunburn, Toothaches, Burns,
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, Heatstrokes, Headaches...and more!

Hand & Feet Warmer, Bed or Crib Warmer, Car Seat Warmer,
Herbal Pac is also a Great Travel Buddy!
Microwave at a convenience store to use in the car!

Click Here For Pricing
And Ordering Information

or Contact Mike Moore @
(904) 822-4060
(888) 822-4060
Fax: (904) 738-4302

Mailing Address:
2607 S. Woodland Blvd. #222
DeLand, Florida  32720




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Copyright © Tinker Graphics & Promotions 1999