Florida state parks are managed to appear (as closely as possible) as they did when the first Europeans arrived.
All plant and animal life is protected in state parks. Hunting, livestock 
grazing and timber removal are not permitted. Do not remove, deface, mutilate or molest any natural or cultural resources or park facilities. For your safety, do not feed any animals. Intoxicants and firearms are prohibited. Florida state parks are open from 8 a.m. until sundown 365 days a year.

Pets are allowed. They must be kept on a six-foot, hand held leash and be well behaved at all times. Guide dogs and handicapped service dogs are welcome in all areas of the parks.

Florida state parks are in various stages of accessibility, and are working to improve access to services and facilities. Should you need assistance to enable your full participation, please contact the individual park office as soon as possible. Sometimes as many as ten business days may be needed to schedule a particular accommodation.

To discover and experience all of the Real Florida at Florida's 141 state parks, ask a park ranger where you can pick up a copy of the Florida State Parks Guide.



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