- WWW.fbi.gov - Use of the NAME, INITIALS, or SEAL of the
FBI is restricted by law and may be used only with written permission of the FBI. :-)
- WWW.usps.gov - Valuable information and services
provided by the USPS - free to all. Here's where you can find a variety of
information about the U.S. Postal Service, including its proud history. Look here for the
latest press releases and other information of interest.
- WWW.doi.gov -The mission of the Department of the
Interior is to protect and provide access to our Nation's natural and cultural heritage
and honor our trust responsibilities to tribes - Restoring and maintaining the health of
federally managed lands, waters, and renewable resources. •Preserving our Nation's
natural and cultural heritage for future generations. •Providing recreational
opportunities for the public to enjoy natural and cultural resources. •Providing for
appropriate commercial use and development of federally managed natural resources in an
environmentally sound manner. •Encouraging the preservation of diverse plant and
animal species and protecting habitat critical to their survival.
- WWW.state.gov - The Secretary of State is appointed
by the President and confirmed by the Senate. The Secretary's duties include serving as
the President's chief foreign affairs adviser. U.S. diplomacy is an instrument of power,
essential for maintaining effective international relationships, and a principal means
through which the United States defends its interests, responds to crises, and achieves
its international goals. The Department of State is the lead institution for the conduct
of American diplomacy, a mission based on the role of the Secretary of State as the
President's principal foreign policy adviser.
- WWW.usdoj.gov - Our mission at the United States
Department of Justice is to enforce the law and defend the interests of the U.S. according
to the law, provide Federal leadership in preventing and controlling crime, seek just
punishment for those guilty of unlawful behavior, administer and enforce the Nation's
immigration laws fairly and effectively and ensure fair and impartial administration of
justice for all Americans.
- WWW.peacecorps.gov - Everything you need to know
about becoming a Peace Corps Volunteer. Information about the places and peoples where our
Volunteers serve & learn more about Peace Corps' global education program.
- WWW.legal.gsa.gov - FedLaw Home Page. FedLaw was
developed to see if legal resources on the Internet could be a useful and cost-effective
research tool for Federal lawyers and other Federal employees. Fedlaw has assembled
references of use to people doing Federal legal research and which can be accessed
directly through "point and click" hypertext connections.
- WWW.ustreas.gov - The Mission of the Department of
the Treasury is to: •Promote Prosperous and Stable American and World Economies
•Manage the Government's Finances •Protect Our Financial Systems and Our
Nation's Leaders, and Foster a Safe and Drug-Free America & Continue to Build a Strong
Institution for the Future.
- WWW.neh.fed.us - Welcome to the National Endowment
for the Humanities. We are a federal agency that supports learning in history, literature,
philosophy, and other areas of the humanities. We fund research, education, museum
exhibitions, documentaries, preservation, and activities in the states.
- WWW.usda.gov - USDA Mission: Enhance the quality of
life for the American people by supporting production of agriculture: •ensuring a
safe, affordable, nutritious, and accessible food supply •caring for agricultural,
forest, and range lands •supporting sound development of rural communities
•providing economic opportunities for farm and rural residents •expanding global
markets for agricultural and forest products and services and working to reduce hunger in
America and throughout the world.
- WWW.whitehouse.gov - Welcome to the White House
was developed to improve the way the Federal government uses the Internet to communicate
and interact with the American people. This site provides access to all the government
information and services that are available on the Internet. This site enriches the
government information available to citizens, businesses, schools, libraries, and other
institutions, and demonstrates real progress in improving the National Information
Infrastructure by showing that the government is using information technology to make
itself more accessible and responsive to the public. Welcome to the White House helps
promote interaction with citizens by offering government agencies a method to present
their missions and programs.
- WWW.senate.gov - The two houses of Congress resulted
from the "Great Compromise" between large and small states reached at the
Constitutional Convention in 1787. Membership of the House of Representatives is
apportioned according to a state's population, while in the Senate each state has equal
representation. The Constitution assigns the Senate and House equal responsibility for
declaring war, maintaining the armed forces, assessing taxes, borrowing money, minting
currency, regulating commerce, and making all laws necessary for the operation of the
government. The Senate holds exclusive authority to advise and consent on treaties and
- WWW.fda.gov - The Food and Drug Administration touches
the lives of virtually every American every day. For it is FDA's job to see that the food
we eat is safe and wholesome, the cosmetics we use won't hurt us, the medicines and
medical devices we use are safe and effective, and that radiation-emitting products such
as microwave ovens won't do us harm. Feed and drugs for pets and farm animals also come
under FDA scrutiny. FDA also ensures that all of these products are labeled truthfully
with the information that people need to use them properly.
- WWW.bop.gov - The mission of the Bureau of Prisons is
to protect society by confining offenders in the controlled environments of prison and
community-based facilities that are safe, humane, and appropriately secure, and that
provide work and other self-improvement opportunities to assist offenders in becoming
law-abiding citizens.
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