Schedule for Week Ending
Artist - OC] [
Victoria Square - DeLand]
City Showcase] [ Movie Links]
The Victoria Square 6
1798 S. DeLand, Fl 32724
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The Orange City Showcase Cinemas
2401 E. Graves Ave., Orange City
Eyes Wide Shut - R |
Sat & Sun |
2:30 |
7:30 |
Fri & Mon -
Thurs |
7:30 |
The Iron Giant - G |
Fri & Mon -
Thurs |
2:00 |
4:30 |
7:00 |
9:00 |
Sat & Sun |
7:00 |
9:00 |
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Audio player to access these files.
If you need to download it click here:

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Includes local show times, coming attractions, and a chance at free movie passes.
- The American Film
Features include news reels, a calendar of interactive media events, virtual campus tour
and digital archives.
- Best Movies of
All Times
From The Terminator to Alien to 2001, Mr. Showbiz picks the best of of your favorite genre
and ours--science fiction.
- Cinemachine: The Movie
Review Search Engine
Want to find out what the critics thought? The Movie Review Search Engine can provide you
with a selected listing of reviews of the movie of your choice.
- Cinemax
Matchmaker learns your personal taste in movies and recommends the best films for you.
- Cyberpitch
Cyberpitch for indie film producers, studios, production executives: Twice a month they
"pitch" a new screenplay on this page. If interested, they will you the complete
- The
Daily 100
The Daily 100 is a tribute to the great lines that came out of 80's films. You'll be asked
to identify the title of the movie, the actor or actress who spoke the line, their
character's name, and the year the movie debuted. Play for prizes!
- The Greatest
Films of All Time
The films selected are personal, yet are often cited as the best films of all time - you
may have your own favorites or choices. They have been chosen as the "greatest"
because they have had an undeniable influence (both positive and negative) on the
development of cinema in its first 100 years.
- HollywoodNet
Access to entertainment, news, services and products.
- Independent
Filmmakers 1997 Links Page
- Internet Movie Database
An excellent source for movie information on the Net. The IMDb is the ultimate movie
reference source and covers everything you could ever possibly want to know about movies.
It currently covers over 75,000 movies with over 1,000,000 filmography entries covering
over 200,000 people and is expanding continuously.
- The Movie
Cliches List
This is a list of the most annoying and common logic flaws and stereotypes found in
movies, compiled from various sources.
- Movie.Com
The premier Web site for information on all new and upcoming releases from Touchstone
Pictures and Hollywood Pictures.
- Moviefinder
A guide to movies brought to you from E! Online.
- MovieLink (US Listings)
Search by theater, title and show time. Up-to-the-minute movie showtimes for every theater
in most major U.S. cities. The ability to buy tickets in advance for many theaters. Movie
trailers, posters, and other cool information.
- Movie Link: 777 Film OnLine
Currently only the US. Enter your Zip Code and all the movies in your area by: Title,
Browsing, Theather are available, including Title, Showtimes, view trailers.
- MovieMatch
MovieMatch is dedicated to helping you get the most enjoyment out of the great
life-affirming potential of your TV. MovieMatch will help you learn more about the movies.
It will help you wade through the morass of your local TV listings and video store
holdings. It will lead you to the best home theater equipment you can afford - and steer
you away from lemons.
- MoviePage
Movie Reviews, movie box office report and movie links. Contains forms to send in your own
movie sites or reviews to be posted!
- Movie Previews
Your guide to current and upcoming theatrical releases, complete with movie trailers
- The Movie Sounds Page
Looking for movie sound clips to add to your desktop? At The Movie Sounds Page, you can
get the latest movie sounds from 12 Monkeys, Airplane!, Apollo 13, The Blues Brothers,
Gone with the Wind, Independence Day, Planes, Trains & Automobiles, Speed, Wayne's
World, and many more!
- Movie
Special Effects
Movie Special Effects offers hands-on, interactive exploration of the magic and wizardry
of Hollywood. The exhibit features actual props from "Return of The Jedi,"
"Terminator 2," "The Abyss," "Mrs. Doubtfire," "Batman
Returns," and "Honey, I Shrunk The Kids," offering a real behind-the-scenes
tour of the movies.
- MovieTunes
Featuring all the favorite film soundtracks and movie music information.
- MovieWeb -
Sneak Previews
You will see movies in MovieWEB which are not scheduled to be released until later this
year. Plus links to all the major studios where you can download posters, production notes
and Quicktime videos.
- The Official
Alt.Movies.Visual-Effects FAQ Web Site
- Quicktime Archive
Here is a large collection of quicktime (and some AVI) clips and trailers to (mostly new)
movies. We now have over 800 clips from over 200 movies online!
- Screenplay
Pitch of the Month Newsletter
This free monthly newsletter "pitches" completed screenplays to movie producers
and filmmakers in a condensed fashion, saving countless hours of reading entire scripts.
- Screenwriting/Screenwriters
Updated daily, site offers articles, tips and advice from professional and produced
Screenwriters. Features a newsletter, interviews, Want Ads, screenplay submissions,
related links and more.
- Script-o-Rama
The most comprehensive index of movie and television scripts available on the Internet!
Script-o-Rama has screenplays from major films like Fargo, Pulp Fiction, Terminator 2, and
Trainspotting , as well as TV shows like The Simpsons, Seinfeld, and The X-Files.
- Silent
- Siskel and Ebert Online
Search the vault. Best, worst, bios & more!
- Top
Grossing Movies of all Time at the US Box Office
- Turner Classic
Coming Attractions, Sound Tracks and Links. The extensive TCM library defines the Golden
Age of Hollywood and consists of more than 5,000 classic titles from the Turner-owned MGM,
Warner Bros. (pre-1948) and complete RKO libraries, plus the finest films from all the
major studios, including Paramount, Warner Bros. (post-1948), Columbia and Universal.
- Reel
Movie suggestions based on your tastes. Our free Web site offers a series of innovative
tools and systems that empower you in your movie-making choices. We want to help you both
avoid seeing movies that disappoint you, and discover movies you'll love but don't yet
know about.
- Sundance Institute
The Sundance Institute was created in 1981 by Robert Redford in order to support
independent filmmaking. It is dedicated to the support and development of emerging
screenwriters and directors of vision and to the national and international exhibition of
new, independent dramatic and documentary films.
- Upcoming Movie
Release Schedule
Straightforward and handy list of upcoming movie releases, listing title of movie, actors
and release date. For current and forthcoming two months.
- Warner Bros. Animation
Play games in the Games Gallery, or learn about the process of animating a cartoon for TV
inside Animation 101, or get the latest information at the What's Happening" page, or
visit the Kids' WB! Shows for images, sounds, air schedules and much more! A must visit
for kids of all ages!
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