Bibleway Church of God in Christ
281 Flamingo Rd., Oak Hill, 345-13

Butts Temple West Side Church
1030 Libby Ct., Daytona Beach, 255-5806

636 Hawk St., Daytona Beach, 252-8565
Community Church of God in Christ
359 Jefferson St., Daytona Beach, 255-5806
Faith Temple Church of God in Christ
330 N Keech St., Daytona Beach, 258-9052
Gray Temple Church of God in Christ
443 Fulton St., Daytona Beach, 253-1247
Hart's Temple of God in Christ
543 S Adelle Ave., DeLand, 736-4966
Holy Temple Church of God in Christ
503 S. Church St., Bunnell, 437-5158
Lambert's Temple Church of God in Christ
320 S. Caroline St., Daytona Beach, 258-5150
Madison Heights Church of God in Christ
780 Indiana St., Daytona Beach, 226-8565
Master's Domain Church of God in Christ
584 Fremont Ave., Daytona Beach, 258-9211
United Bibleway Church of God in Christ
212 S. Yonge St., Ormond Beach, 673-2553
Westside Outreach
1030 Libby Ct., Daytona Beach, 257-3163

[AME] [Anglican] [Apostolic] [Assembly of God] [Baptist] [Baptist-Southern] [Bible] [Brethren] [Catholic] [Christian] [Christ Science] [Church of Christ] [Church of God] [Church of God in Christ] [Church of God of Prophecy] [Community] [Congregational] [Episcopal] [Evangelical] [Gospel] [Holiness] [Independent] [Jehovah] [Latter-day Saints] [Lutheran] [Methodist] [Mentally Disabled] [ New Testament] [Non-Denominational] [Open Bible] [Orthodox] [Pentecostal] [Presbyterian] [Religious Science] [Seventh Day] [Spiritual] [Synagogues] [Unitarian] [United Church of Christ] [Wesleyan] [Word of Faith]


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