Whether your interest is bird-watching or business, writing or woodworking, its a good bet West Volusia has a civic organization, club or support group where you can share your interest with others, and meet new friends. Although most groups listed here welcome members and visitors of all ages, its often older folks who are the most active. The value of their services to the West Volusia community is enormous. This listing provides current information about the clubs, along with contact numbers. This information may change, and it's best to call the contact number before attending a meeting.


ACT Human Services Corp
1251 N. Stone St., DeLand - (386) 822-6274

African-American Association of Deltona
(386) 860-0752

African-American Men's Club of Deltona
(386) 574-8445

Alateen: House Next Door
804 N. Woodland Blvd., DeLand.
Contact Tracy Mortberg - 734-5909, or page: (386) 917-8218

Alcoholic Anonymous
Toll Free 888-756-2930

Alta Vista Runners
PO Box 1700, DeLand, FL 32721
Contact John Boyle (386) 736-0002

Alzheimer's Association
111 N. Frederick Ave., Suite 100
Daytona Beach 386-238-0066

Alzheimer's Association Caregivers Support Group
(Meets second Tuesday, Alliance Church
402 W New York Ave, DeLand) - 775-4925 or 228-0156

Alzheimer's Support Group
DeLand - 386-238-0066
(Meets the third Tuesday, Woodland Towers, 113 Chipola Ave)

Deltona - 386-238-0066
(Meets second Wednesday, Deltona Regional Library, 2150 Eustace Ave)

Orange City - 386-238-0066
(Meets first Thursday, John Knox Village, Computer Room, Second Floor, Building C, 101 Northlake Drive)

Amateur Radio Society, Inc.
Meets fourth Monday, September through May, at the Alterra Sterling House of DeLand, 1210 N Stone St.
DeLand - 734-6996

American Association of Retired Persons (AARP)
DeLand - 738-9044
(Meets third Friday, except June , July and August, 
Wayne G Sanborn Activities Center, Earl Brown Park, 751 S Alabama Ave)

DeBary - 734-6996
(Meets second Friday, except June July and August, DeBary Civic Center 38 Shell Rd)
Deltona - 668-6570

American Association of University Women.....
DeLand - 738-9756
(Meets for lunch the thrid Saturday, September thru April, Woodland Towers, 113 Chipola Ave)

American Business Women's Association (Four Townes)
Deltona Branch - Reservations: 386-668-6972  - info:386-532-5141
(Meets for dinner the third Thursday, DeLand Country Club, 2289 Country Club Drive, 
Reservations required for dinner)


American Cancer Society, West Volusia Unit
218-A E New York Ave, DeLand - 734-7836

American Heart Association
555 West Granada  Blvd, A-1 Ormond Beach - 386-676-0001

American Legion Auxiliary
DeLand - 736-1377
(Meets the second Wednesday, American Legion Hall, 214 W New York Ave)

Deltona - 574-0368

American Legion
Post 6 - DeLand
(Meets the second Wedensday, American Legion Hall, 214 W. New York Ave)

Post 187 - DeLand 386-734-5621
(Meets the first Wednesday of the month, American Legion Hall, 415 W Voorhis Ave, DeLand ) 


American Red Cross
341 White Street, Daytona Beach 32114 - 386-226-1400

Amputee Support Group
1385 First Ave, DeLand - 386-738-2979

Antique Auto Club, Volusia Region
DeLand - 734-1912

Art Festival, DeLand Outdoor
DeLand - 985-4489

Arthritis Support Group
(Meets second Monday, Florida Hospital, DeLand 701 W Plymouth Ave)
 386-738-4727 or 386-985-9421

Association of Realtors, West Volusia
425 South Volusia Ave, Orange City - 386-774-6433

Association for Widowed Persons
(Meets  the second Sunday, First Presbyterian Church Fireside Room, 
724 N Woodland Blvd. , followed by dinner at an area resturaunt, 
All widows and widowers are invited)
DeLand - 738-1865

Athens Business and Professional Women's Club
DeLand - 738-9633

Atlantic Shore Waves
(Meets the third Saturday, Daytona Beach Golf Course Resturaunt, 
600 Wilder Blvd, All Waves, Spars, and MArines welcome.)
Daytona Beach - 386-734-2988

Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD)
Deltona - 532-2221

Audubon Society
DeLand - 386-734-5840
(Meets fourth Tuesday at DeLand Women's Club, 
128 West Michigan Ave, DeLand, from September thru April, except December)

Deltona - 738-7711







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