2855 Lake Helen Osteen Rd.
Deltona, FL 32738

(Held at Deltona Lakes Elementary School)


Sunday School - 9:30 a.m.
New Members Orientation - 9:30 a.m.
Leadership Treaining - 9:30 a.m.
Children's Church - 10:45 a.m.
Worship Service - 10:45 a.m.

Weekly Programs
& Activities

Fellowship Center
1890 Providence Blvd., Deltona
(Elkcam & Providence Blvds.)


Education Ministry - 5:00 PM
Children & Youth Bible Study - 6:30 PM
Crown Ministry Teen Study - 7:00 PM


Prayer & Bible Study……..11:00AM
Deacons Meeting (1st)……..7:30 PM
Prison Ministry (2nd)……..6:00 PM
Adult Crown Ministry……..7:00 PM
Trustee Meeting (3rd)……..7:30PM
Ushers Meeting (4th)……..7:00 PM
Brotherhood Meeting (4th)……..7:30PM
Campus Ministry @ Stetson....6:00 PM


Youth Soul Talk……..5:30PM
Prayer Meeting……..6:30 PM
Bible Study……..7:00 PM
New Members Orientation……..7:00 PM
Sunday School Teacher's
Youth Choir Rehearsal
(2nd & 4th)


Praise Team Rehearsal ……..6:30PM
Mass Choir Rehearsal
(2nd & 4th)
Men's Choir Rehearsal
(1st & 3rd)
……..7:30 PM
Deaconess Meeting (4th)……..7:30 PM


Women's Ministry (1st)……..9:00 AM
Seniors' Ministry (1st)……..10:00 AM
Prayer Ministry (3rd)……..8:30 AM

Transportation available
upon request (904) 532-8291

Everyone is welcome to join in and
"Praise the Lord"!



Directions to fellowship center:
I-4 to exit 53, left on Doyal, go to third light, turn left on
Providence.  Go two miles, center is on the left hand side
(Ponce DeLeon Shopping Center)

Directions to the Deltona Lakes Elementary:
Take Providence, go across Elkam go two blocks,
turn right, follow signs to Deltona Lakes Elementary.

Daycare will be available to residents of
West Volusia County for infants to age 12.

- Before and after school care -

Fees based on United Child
Care title 20 guidelines.

Open 6 am to 6 pm
Pre-Registration available

For further information please call
D. Bradley, Director @532-8291


Pastor’s Message

To God be the Glory for the things He has done!

It is an exciting and significant time in the life of our ministry.
These five years of ministry have been brought by the power
of God working through the many dedicated and committed
members of New Hope Baptist Church. Throughout our brief but
blessed history, we have seen God manifest his power and His
Grace in our behalf so many times.

I owe a great debt of love and gratitude to my wife who has served
so faithfully with me in this ministry. We are indeed grateful for
the opportunity to serve you. We thank God for the members of
New Hope, who have committed themselves to assist
in the work of this ministry.

As we look to the future, we must put the same trust in the Lord
as have done in the Past. If we do this, the Lord will continue to
show himself strong in our behalf. The theme for New Hope
Baptist Church is:

"There is no hopeless situation with God…
...for with God all things are possible"

The vision of the church is to turn the hearts of Men to God.

Phase One plan is to build our Multi Use Life Center on the
five acres purchased on Lake Helen Osteen Rd., in Deltona FL.
Constructions will commence in early 1999.

All Honor Thanks and Praise to God for how far He has brought us.

Pastor and Mrs. William L. Bradley, Jr.






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