3D Lemmings (Psygnosis)
3D Ultra Mini Golf Deluxe (Sierra On-Line)
3D Ultra Mini Golf (Sierra On-Line)
3D Ultra Pinball: Creep Night (Sierra On-Line)
3D Ultra Pinball: The Lost Continent (Sierra On-line)
5 Elements Masters (UltraFish)
7th Legion (MicroProse)

A-10 Cuba! (Activision)
Aaron vs. Ruth (Mindscape)
Absolute Pinball (21st Century Entertainment)
Absolute Zero (Eidos Interactive)
Abuse (Origin Systems)
Abyss of Pandemonium (Instant Access)
Ace Ventura (7th Level)
Achtung Spitfire! (Avalon Hill Game Company)
Addiction Pinball (MicroProse)
Admiral Sea Battles (Megamedia Corporation)
Adrenix (Playmates Interactive Entertainment)
Advanced Tactical Fighters (Jane's Combat Simulations)
AFL '98 (EA Sports/ Australia)
Afterlife (LucasArts)
Age of Empires (Microsoft)
Age of Rifles (SSI)
Air Power: Battle in the Skies (Mindscape)
Air Warrior II (Interactive Magic)
Albion (Blue Byte Software)
Alien Trilogy (Acclaim Entertainment)
Allied General (SSI)
Alone in the Dark Trilogy (Interplay)
Amber: Journeys Beyond (Graphic Simulations)
American Civil War (Interactive Magic)
Amok (GT Interactive)
Ancient Evil (Silver Lightning)
Andretti Racing (EA Sports)
Apache (Interactive Magic)
Archimedean Dynasty (Blue Byte Software)
Ardennes Offensive, The (SSI)
Armor Command (Ripcord Games)
Armored Fist 2 - M1A2 Abrams (NovaLogic)
Ashes to Ashes: Feeding the Fires of War! (Corel)
AstroRock 2000 (Logicware Inc.)
AstroRock (Atlantean Interactive)
Atomic Bomberman (Interplay Productions)
Azrael's Tear (Mindscape)

Back to Baghdad (Military Simulations, Inc.)
Bad Mojo (Pulse Entertainment)
Baku Baku (Sega)
Baldies (Panasonic Interactive Media)
Balls of Steel (Pinball Wizards)
Banzai Bug (Grolier Interactive)
Baseball Mogul 99 (WizardWorks)
Baseball Mogul (Infinite Monkey Systems)
BASS Masters Classic: Tournament Edition (THQ)
Battle Arena Toshinden (Playmates Interactive Entertainment)
Battlecruiser 3000 A.D. (Take 2 Interactive Software)
BattleSport (Acclaim)
Battlezone (Activision)
Beast Wars: Transformers (Hasbro Interactive)
Beasts & Bumpkins (Electronic Arts)
Beavis and Butt-head in Virtual Stupidity (Viacom New Media)
Bedlam (GT Interactive)
Betrayal in Antara (Sierra On-Line)
Big Red Racing (Eidos Interactive)
Birthright: The Gorgon's Alliance (Sierra On-Line)
Black Dahlia (Take 2 Interactive Software)
Blade Warrior (Phantagram)
Blast Chamber (Activision)
Blood Bath (Underworld Software)
Blood Omen: Legacy of Kain (Activision)
Blood (GT Interactive)
Blue Ice (Psygnosis)
Bruce Jenner's World Class Decathlon (Interactive Magic)
Bug! (Sega)
Burnout: Championship Drag Racing (Bethesda Softworks)
Bust-A-Move 2 (Acclaim)

Capitalism (Interactive Magic)
Carmageddon (Interplay Productions)
CART Precision Racing (Microsoft)
Castle Infinity (Starwave Corporation)
Cavewars (Avalon Hill Game Company)
Championship Spades (Dynamic Visual Solutions)
Chaos Overlords (New World Computing)
Chasm: The Rift (Megamedia Corp.)
Chron X (Genetic Anomalies)
Civil War Generals 2: Grant, Lee, Sherman (Sierra On-Line)
Claw (Monolith)
Close Combat: A Bridge Too Far (Microsoft)
Close Combat (Microsoft)
Comanche Gold (Novalogic)
Command & Conquer Red Alert (Westwood Studios)
Command & Conquer: Covert Operations (Virgin Interactive Entertainment)
Command & Conquer (Virgin Interactive Entertainment)
Commandos: Behind Enemy Lines (Eidos Interactive)
Conquest of the New World (Interplay Productions)
Constructor (Acclaim)
Cricket '97 (Electronic Arts)
Croc: Legend of the Gobbos (Fox Interactive)
Crusader: No Regret (Origin Systems)
Crush! Deluxe (Megamedia Corporation)
Curse of Monkey Island, The (LucasArts)
CyberGladiators (Sierra On-Line)
Cyberia2 (Virgin Interactive Entertainment)
CyberMage: Darklight Awakening (Origin Systems)
Cyberstorm 2: Corporate Wars (Sierra On-Line)

Daggerfall (Bethesda Softworks)
Dark Angael (Vicarious Visions)
Dark Colony (SSI)
Dark Forces (LucasArts)
Dark Reign (Activision)
Darklight Conflict (Electronic Arts)
Daytona USA Deluxe (Sega)
Deadlock II: Shrine Wars (Accolade)
Deadlock (Accolade)
Death Rally (GT Interactive)
DeathDrome (Viacom New Media)
Deer Hunter (WizardWorks)
Defiance (Visceral Productions)
Descent II (Interplay Productions)
Descent: Freespace (Interplay Productions)
Descent (Interplay Productions)
Destruction Derby 2 (Psygnosis)
Destruction Derby (Psygnosis)
Diablo II Trailer (Blizzard Entertainment)
Diablo (Blizzard Entertainment)
Die by the Sword (Tantrum/Interplay)
Drilling Billy (Metronome Media Aps.)
Duke Nukem 3D (3D Realms Entertainment)
Dungeon Keeper (Bullfrog Productions)
Dungeon Master II: The Legend of Skullkeep (Interplay Productions)
Dust: A Tale of the Wired West (GTE Entertainment)

Earth 2140 (Interplay Productions)
Earthsiege 2 (Sierra On-Line)
EarthSiege 3: StarSiege (Sierra On-Line)
Earthworm Jim 1&2: The Whole Can 'O Worms (Playmates Interactive Entertainment)
Earthworm Jim (Activision)
Eat My Dust (Davidson & Associates)
Ecstatica II (Psygnosis)
Emperor of Fading Suns (SegaSoft)
Endorfun (Time Warner Interactive)
Enemy Nations (Head Games)
Entombed Enhanced (WizardWorks)
Entrepreneur (Stardock Systems)
Eradicator (Accolade)
Esoteria (Bandai Digital Entertainment)
Excalibur 2555 AD (Sir-tech)
Extreme Assault (Blue Byte Software)
Extreme Tactics (Piranha Interactive)

F-15 (Origin Systems)
F-22 Lightning II (Nova Logic)
F-22 Raptor (NovaLogic)
Fade to Black (Electronic Arts)
Falcon 4.0 (Spectrum Holobyte)
Fallen Haven (Interactive Magic)
Fallout (Interplay Productions)
Fantasy General (SSI)
Fate (Intracorp)
FIFA Soccer 97 (EA Sports)
FIFA: Road to the World Cup 98 (EA Sports)
Final Fantasy VII (Eidos Interactive)
Final Liberation: Warhammer Epic 40,000 (SSI)
Fire Fight (Epic MegaGames)
Flesh Feast (SegaSoft)
Flight Unlimited (Looking Glass Technologies)
Flying Saucer (Software 2000)
Formula 1 '97 Championship Edition (Psygnosis)
Formula 1 (Psygnosis)
Forsaken (Acclaim Entertainment)
Fragile Allegiance (Interplay Productions)
Free Enterprise (Tsunami Media)
Frogger (Hasbro Interactive)
Front Page Sports: Baseball Pro '98 (Sierra On-Line)
Front Page Sports: Football Pro '97 (Sierra On-Line)
Front Page Sports: Golf (Sierra On-Line)
Front Page Sports: Ski Racing (Sierra On-line)
Front Page Sports: Trophy Rivers (Sierra On-Line)
Full Tilt! 2 Pinball (Maxis)
Full Tilt! Pinball (Maxis)
Fury 3 (Microsoft)
FX Fighter (GTE Entertainment)
F/A-18 Hornet 3.0 (Graphic Simulations Corporation )
F/A-18 Korea (Graphic Simulations)

G-NOME (7th Level)
G Police (Psygnosis)
Galapagos: Mendel's Escape (Electronic Arts)
Game Guru (Studio 3DO)
Game, Net & Match! (Blue Byte)
Gazillionaire Deluxe (LavaMind)
Gene Wars (Bullfrog Productions)
Genocide (Kaos Kontrol)
Gex: Enter the Gecko (Crystal Dynamics)
Gex (Microsoft)
Golf Pro, The (Empire Interactive)
Grand Prix Legends (Sierra Sports)
Grand Theft Auto (ASC Games)
Great Battles of Alexander (Interactive Magic)
Great Battles of Hannibal (Interactive Magic)
Gubble II (Actual Entertainment)
Gubble (Actual Entertainment)

Hardball 5 (Accolade)
Hardball 6 (Accolade)
Hardwood Solitaire II (Silver Creek Entertainment)
Harpoon Classic 97 (Interactive Magic)
Havoc (Reality Bytes)
Heavy Gear (Activision)
Hedz Trailer (Hasbro Interactive)
HeliCOPS (7th Level)
Hellbender (Microsoft)
Hercules Action Game (Disney Interactive)
Heretic: Shadow of the Serpent Riders (id Software)
Heroes of Might and Magic II: The Succession Wars (New World Computing)
Hexen II (Activision)
Hexen (id Software)
Hexplore (Infogrames)
High Heat Baseball 1999 (3DO)
Hind (Interactive Magic)
History of the World (Avalon Hill Game Company)
House of the Dead, The (Sega)
Hoyle Classic Card Games (Sierra On-Line)
Hunter Hunted (Sierra On-Line)
Hunting Game, The (Oquirrh Productions)
HyperBlade (Activision)

Ice and Fire (GT Interactive)
Icebreaker (Magnet Interactive Studios)
iF-16 (Interactive Magic)
Ignition (Virgin UK)
iM1A2 Abrams (Interactive Magic)
Imperialism (SSI)
Incoming (Xicat)
Incredible Machine 3, The (Sierra On-Line)
Incubation: The Wilderness Missions (Blue Byte)
Incubation (Blue Byte Software)
Independence War (Infogrames)
Indiana Jones and his Desktop Adventures (LucasArts)
Industry Giant (Interactive Magic)
IndyCar Racing II (Papyrus)
International Rally Championship (Europress Australia)
Interstate '76 Arsenal (Activision)
Interstate '76 (Activision)

Jack Nicklaus 4 (Accolade)
Jagged Alliance: Deadly Games (Sirtech Software)
Jazz Jackrabbit 2 (Epic MegaGames)
Jedi Knight: Dark Forces II (LucasArts)
Jedi Knight: Mysteries of the Sith (LucasArts)
JetFighter III (Mission Studios)

Katharsis (Metropolis Software House)
KKND Xtreme (Electronic Arts)
KKND (Electronic Arts)
Knights and Merchants (TopWare Interactive)

Last Bronx (Sega)
LEDwars, The (Ionos)
Legal Crime (Byte Enchanters)
Legends Football '98 (Accolade)
Leisure Suit Larry's Casino (Sierra On-Line)
Lemmings Paintball (Psygnosis)
Liberation Day (Interactive Magic)
Lighthouse (Sierra On-Line)
Links LS 1998 Edition (Access Software)
Links LS (Access Software)
Longbow 2 (Origin Systems)
Lords of Magic (Sierra On-Line)
Lords of the Realm II (Sierra On-Line)
Lose Your Marbles (SegaSoft)

Machine Hunter (MGM Interactive )
Madden NFL 97 (EA Sports)
Madden NFL 98 (Electronic Arts)
Madspace (Auric Vision )
MageSlayer (GT Interactive)
Magic Carpet II: The Netherworlds (Bullfrog Productions)
Magic: The Gathering (MicroProse)
Manx TT Super Bike (Sega)
Marathon 2 (Bungie Software)
Marble Drop (Maxis)
Mass Destruction (ASC Games)
MDK (Playmates Interactive Entertainment)
Meat Puppet (Playmates Interactive Entertainment)
MechWarrior 2: 31st Century Combat (Activision)
MechWarrior 2: Mercenaries (Activision)
Men In Black: The Game (SouthPeak Interactive)
Meridian 59 (Studio 3DO)
Micro Machines 2 (GameTek)
Microsoft Baseball 3D (Microsoft)
Microsoft Entertainment Pack - The Puzzle Collection (Microsoft)
Microsoft Golf 1998 Edition (Microsoft)
Microsoft Golf (Microsoft)
Microsoft Return of Arcade (Microsoft)
Microsoft Soccer (Microsoft)
MissionForce: CyberStorm (Sierra On-Line)
Monster Truck Madness 2 (Microsoft)
Monster Truck Madness (Microsoft)
Montezuma's Return (Take Two)
Mordor II: Darkness Awakening (VB Designs)
Moto Racer (Electronic Arts)
Motorhead (Gremlin Interactive)
Muzzle Velocity (Code Fusion)
Myth: The Fallen Lords (Bungie Software)
M.A.X. 2 (Interplay)
M.A.X. (Interplay Productions)

NASCAR Racing 2 (Papyrus)
NBA Action 98 (Sega)
NBA Full Court Press (Microsoft)
NBA Jam Extreme (Acclaim Entertainment)
NCAA Final Four 97 (Mindscape)
NCAA Football 98 (EA Sports)
Nebula Fighter (Ionos Software)
Necrodome (Mindscape)
Need for Speed II SE (Electronic Arts)
Need for Speed II (Electronic Arts)
Need for Speed, The (Electronic Arts)
Neophyte: Koplio's Story (Alien Software Inc.)
Neophyte (Alien Software)
Net Fighter (SegaSoft)
NetStorm: Islands at War (Activision)
Neverhood, The (DreamWorks Interactive)
NFL Legends Football '98 (Accolade)
NHL '96 (EA Sports)
NHL 98 (EA Sports)
NHL Powerplay '98 (Virgin Interactive Entertainment)
Nightmare Creatures (Activision)
Nihilist (Philips Media)
Norse by Norsewest (Interplay Productions)
Nuclear Strike (Electronic Arts)

Obsidian (Rocket Science Games)
OddWorld: Abe's Oddysee (GT Interactive)
Outlaws (LucasArts)
Outpost 2: Divided Destiny (Sierra On-line)
Outwars (Microsoft)
Over the Reich (Avalon Hill Game Company)

Pacific General (SSI)
Pandemonium 2 (Crystal Dynamics)
Pandemonium (Crystal Dynamics)
Panzer Commander (SSI)
Panzer General II (SSI)
Pax Imperia: Eminent Domain (THQ Inc.)
PBA Bowling (Bethesda Softworks)
Perfect Weapon (ASC Games)
Peter Jacobsen's Golden Tee Golf (Incredible Technologies)
Pinball Builder: A Construction Kit for Windows (21st Century Entertainment)
Planet Blupi (Epsitec)
POD (Ubi Soft Entertainment)
Police Quest: SWAT 2 (Sierra On-Line)
Postal (Ripcord Games)
Power F1 (Eidos Interactive)
Pray for Death (Virgin Interactive Entertainment)
Pro Pinball: The Web (Interplay Productions)
Pro Pinball: Timeshock! (Empire Interactive)
Puzzle Pits (Plasma Works)
Pyramad (MagiCastle)

Quake II (id Software)
Quake (id Software)
Quest for Glory V: Dragon Fire (Sierra On-line)
Quiver (ESD Games)

Rally Championship (Virgin Interactive Entertainment)
Rayman Gold (UbiSoft)
Rayman (Ubi Soft Entertainment)
Rebel Moon Rising (GT Interactive)
Redline Racer (UbiSoft)
Redneck Rampage (Interplay Productions)
Return Fire (GT Interactive)
Rise 2 Resurrection (Acclaim Entertainment)
Rise and Rule of Ancient Empires, The (Sierra On-Line)
Road Rash Win 95 (Electronic Arts)
Road Warrior (GameTek)
Robert E. Lee: Civil War General (Sierra On-Line)
RoboRumble (TopWare)
Robotron X (GT Interactive)
Rocket Jockey (Rocket Science Games)

Sandwarriors (Interplay Productions)
Sanitarium (ASC Games)
Savage (Discovery Channel Multimedia)
Scarab (Electronic Arts)
Scorched Planet (Virgin Interactive Entertainment)
Scorcher (Scavenger)
Screamer 2 (Virgin Interactive Entertainment)
Screamer (Virgin Interactive Entertainment)
Scud: Industrial Evolution (SegaSoft)
Seek & Destroy (Safari Software)
Sega Rally Championship (Sega Entertainment)