Journey To...
Serving West Volusia including: DeLand,
Orange City, DeLeon Springs,
Deltona, DeBary, Cassadaga, Lake Helen, & Beyond
A Cyber Directory - Serving West
Volusia....and Beyond!
In the top left corner is
the Business and Service Directory - Inside this
directory you will find a listing of services & products from local businesses
spanning the Greater DeLand Area including: DeLand, Orange City, DeBary, Deltona,
Cassadaga & DeLeon Springs.
In the pulldown
lists above you will find links to the following:
- Or Click Below
Movie Listings - Here you can get our local movie schedule. You can also click on the title of the movie and be transported to the movie's Website if well as preview trailers via Real Time Video / Audio. There is also an extensive list of film related links.
Our Town - This section is proudly the home of a short biography of the Greater DeLand area - written by local, famous author, Rick Tonyan. It also includes vintage photos of past residents of this area.
Local Calendar - This is the heart of PlanetDeLand's community center
-It is also shared with our hometown radio station 1490AM-WXVQ's Web Site. Here you will
find local information and links to various topics of interest including:
Museums - Art
Museums - Other
Performing Arts
Night Spots
State Parks
Local Parks
Social Clubs
Radio Spots
Votran Bus Guide
Volusia County Fair
Cole Bros. Circus
Fall Art Fest
Things to Do - A weekly, updated list of events & happenings around the Central Florida / Volusia County area.
WWW Message Board - A soapbox, if you will, for our visitors to post & respond to messages left by other people.
State & Local Parks - A comprehensive table of parks and services and facilities available at those locations.
Planet Coupons - Some businesses have coupons or special offers on their Web Page / Site - This is a growing collection available for you to download anytime!
Playground - This page features links to tons of free game demos and software - for the young & young at heart.
Music Links - Find & visit your favorite singer's or band's Web Site!
Local Links - We have tried to include all local links that people may want to have access to. It excludes members that are more suitably stored in the business directory and focuses in on non-profit or purely informational Pages & Sites. This page is updated often and welcomes your suggestions for listing.
Scrapbook - This is a growing collection of stills that we have collected of our fair town and general area. We will be constantly adding pics throughout the years.
WebSearch - A very powerful, Java driven, Web Search Engine assistance - You can search for information on close to 100 popular and not so popular Search Engines.
News Links - Think of this as Planet DeLand's Newspaper... It is
a collection of links to Sites & Pages broken down into the following categories:
United States, Canada, Local, World, Politics, Weather, Business, Technical, Science,
Religion, Health, Lifestyles, Sports, Knick-Knacks, Comics, Tabloids & Spotlights.
E-Zine Links - A collection of various E-Zine or Electronic Magazine Sites that offers something for everybody.
Weather Updates - This is a direct link into the Weather Channels Web Site. It has proven to be a great source of information come hurricane season.
General Links - This section covers various topics including: Television, / Movies, Science Nature, Kids Only, Spiritual, Our Government & Health.
The Family YMCA - We try to update this section on a regular basis as a service to our community.
Brady Bunch Advice - This section has surprisingly received alot of positive response from our visitors Here, the Brady's post their advice on life, learned through their past experiences.
Zodiac - General information on your lucky numbers, days of the week and sign colors - also tells more about you than you probably want to know.
Chambers of Commerce - Direct links to the DeLand & Orange
City Chamber
USA Anywhere Reference Guide - A guide that provides a comprehensive list of names, numbers and links to
the U.S. Federal Government.
The Consumers Handbook - Provided by our government, this site provides information, advice and consumer tips on; Car retail, purchase and leasing, shopping from home, avoiding consumer and investment frauds, home improvement & financing; choosing and using credit cards wisely and a reference of small publications designed to educate.
Sources of Information & Assistance - A consumer Information Center that lists & links to consumer related sites.
Parents Internet Guide - A helpful guide to help educate the public about the benefits and precautions concerning computers & electronic communication in general. This Site was prepared by the U.S. Department of Education, the Office of Educational Research & Improvement and the Office of Educational Technology.
Maps - A link to the YaHoo Map Site - So you can find your way back home :-)
What makes this directory unique is that right now over 100 businesses have listings that are linked to their Web Pages or Web Sites! Allowing you to research and explore our local businesses...Like Never Before!
Although the internet is meant to link from page to
page of information, It is not the intention of this Web Site to allow viewers to travel
out of our directory of services to find a business or service somewhere out of this area.
We are proud in the fact that we want to keep our local businesses thriving and would like
to encourage you to do the same and to please help support them - If our local business
economy thrives then we will all feel the benefits.
It is also the intention of this Web Site to focus on our community and to provide our visitors with local information.
This is a direct link to our Web Page at Tinker Graphics & Promotions.
Here you will find information on our Web Page Hosting Service on Planet DeLand, as well as Web Site construction and Hosting.
You can also receive information regarding other services that we offer including: Desktop Publishing, Business Cards, Printing Services, Promotional Products, Internet Advertising, Promotional Events, Signs & Banners, Graphic Design, Photography, Our Projects, Our Gallery, Illustrating & Contact Information.
Thank You for Visiting us...and Please Visit Again Soon!
Copyright © Tinker Graphics & Promotions 1999
Serving West
Volusia including: DeLand, Orange City, DeLeon Springs,
Deltona, DeBary, Cassadaga, Lake Helen, & Beyond
DeLand, Schools, Community, Commerce, Calendar, Directory, Education, Parks,
Economy, West Volusia, Local Events, Movies, Services, History, Parks, Tourism, Attractions.