# Poll It Display Templates & Main CGI's: ################################################### * Poll_It_v2.0.cgi - This is the main main CGI which displays your Poll and Previous Poll, as well as administration area at Poll-It_v2.0.cgi?load=login the default password is protection. * Poll_It_SSI_v2.0.cgi - This is the Poll It CGI Script used to import your polls into existing HTML Pages (uses ssi). * _ssi_poll.html (/pollit/pollit_files) - HTML Used for using Poll It through SSI to import into existing web pages. (SSI = Server Side Includes) Comes from Poll_It_SSI_v2.0 * _poll.html (/pollit/pollit_files) - HTML Used for displaying your poll through the Poll_It_v2.0 CGI Script. * _last_poll.html (/pollit/pollit_files) - HTML Used to Display your last poll results through Poll_It_v2.0.cgi?load=lastpoll # Admin Section Templates: ################################################### * _admin_login.html (/pollit/pollit_files) - Template used to login to the administration area. * _admin_menu.html (/pollit/pollit_files) - Template used for the main menu of the administration area. * _admin_create_poll.html (/pollit/pollit_files) - Template used to create a new poll. # Poll It Data Files (Modified by the CGI Script): ################################################### * poll_info.txt (/pollit/pollit_files) - Holds current poll information settings * poll_options.txt - Holds current poll options to vote on * last_poll_info.txt - Holds previous poll information settings * last_poll_options.txt - Holds previous poll options that were voted on. * ips.txt - Holds the IP #'s that voted to keep track of who has voted. # # # # Installation Procedures: # ####################### 1) files that start w/ a underscore (_) you can leave alone. (Edit these files for customization after you have the Poll It script running) 2) Now view the Poll It.cgi file in your browser, NOT THE Poll_It_SSI_v2.0.cgi file, this file is to be used w/ SSI (Server Side Includes), not through the browser by itself (See using Poll_It_SSI.cgi below) You should now get an output from the poll.cgi script in your browser. Now Visit: poll.cgi?load=login in your browser to start creating you online polls. # # # Using Poll_It_SSI.cgi within a HTML Page: # ######################################### The filename packaged w/ this script named 'Poll_It_SSI_v2.0.cgi' is the CGI Script used w/ SSI (Server Side Includes) to import your poll on an existing web page. To use SSI within HTML files you must have an *.shtml extension rather than *.html on your pages. This allows you to execute a command to include a CGI Output in your html file. Now to input the Poll_It_SSI_v2.0.cgi script into an HTML page, use this code (After finding out what you need to use for SSI calls from the above explanation): <!--#exec cgi="/pollit/Poll_It_SSI_v2.0.cgi" --> The above tag will look for the *.cgi file at the location specified & if there will output your current poll running into your web page. # # # # # Poll It Support: # ################## # # # Copyright & Author Notes: # ######################## Poll It - All Rights Reserved. Copyright CGI World of I2 Services, Inc.