Skydive DeLand is the world's capital for skydiving. The facility is located in Deland, Florida and used by the West Volusia, Stetson University and world Communities. Skydive DeLand's instructors have developed instructional programs that are used throughout the world. As a highly revered skydiving facility, operating for more than 15 years, it only offers the best in safety, quality and service. Skydive DeLand is opened 365 days a year from 8:00am until sunset so they can provide the maximum for any skydiving experience.

Tamdem JumpAt the site of Skydive DeLand there is a restaurant, The Perfect Spot Restaurant and Bar, serving breakfast lunch and dinner seven days a week, in an atmosphere any skydiver would appreciate. There are skydiving videos playing constantly along with the weather and news. This is the perfect place to hang out between jumps.

There is full service supplier for any of your skydiving needs onsite at the Drop Zone Gear Center. You can purchase, rent or pre-order equipment that may be needed during a jump.

To prepare for your jump, Skydive DeLand offers the best in facilities, including the Creeper Pad Area, Mock-ups and Packing Areas. The Creeper Pad Area is covered and can accommodate several 4 man formations or large formations. The complete mock-up can simulate an exit on any of the aircraft used at Skydive DeLand. There are two packing areas, on where professionals will pack for you and another where you can pack for yourself.

For beginners, Skydive DeLand offers two jump options:

Skydive DeLand also offers more advanced training for individuals and teams.
These programs provide skydivers with instruction on various techniques, video taping of their jumps and pro-packing.

  • Skydive University: 20 jump program over 4-5 days, learning movements in the air. You should emerge as a safe and skilled skydiver.
  • Freedom of Flight: This program offers one on one training and videotaping of jumps. Freedom of Flight is a more advanced skill level then Skydive University.
  • Team Training: There are special rate offered for teams making 50 jumps or more, coaching, videotaping and pro-packing.
  • Canopy School: This is a program that teaches canopy flight training. Skills such as landing in your feet, accuracy and using a smaller canopy are learned. Most importantly, you will learn how to get to the group safety every time.

For more look at this:

Fun in the Sky


For more information about the SkyDiveDeLand:

For more information about Deland
please click on one of the links below: - City of Deland

Deland - City of Deland Chamber of Commerce - Local Business Directory and information

MainStreet - The home of the MainStreet Deland Association

Deland - The Deland Newspaper

A Report on the Fall Festival of the Arts 2002


Designed by: Damien Martinez
Writen By:
Elizabeth Neuman
Produced by: Tinker Graphics
Webpage main logo designed by:
Gary W. Beck - visual merchandising systems - 386-738-0928

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