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Gretchen Moyer
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Date and Time:
9/14/2001, 10:24 AM
HAPPY BIRTHDAY SUSY! I hope you have a good day. I don't know if you will check this before youe birthday but with the mail the way it is right now this might be faster. I'll be home the first week in Oct I'll be by. Gretchen
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Roberto Whitney
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Date and Time:
9/10/2001, 3:28 PM
It's nice to have good Cuban food nearby. I grew up in San José, Costa Rica. When we flew to the US on a Pan American DC-3, we always stopped in Habana to refuel. That was 1946 to 1961. My parents would stop and visit friends in Santa Clara or Cienfuegos and continue the flight in a couple of days. Again I'm happy to find your nice place and all the sabrosa cominda. !Sin arroz no hay comida!
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Octavio Baez
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Date and Time:
9/4/2001, 9:57 AM
Hola !. Tengo un recado para Suzy, de parte de su prima Reina. ¿Pueden entregárselo?. ¿Ella tiene correo electrónico?. ¿Se lo puedo enviar a algún correo?. Por favor, respóndanme a mi yahoo. Gracias.
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Mark Plyter
Home Page:
Date and Time:
9/3/2001, 2:52 PM
I'll keep in touch on the 2002 Infiniti Q45.Thanks for coming into our store to see the new Q45.Like your web site. Mark Plyter Orlando Infiniti
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Helen Albertson
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Date and Time:
8/7/2001, 8:09 PM
August 7, 2001
Dear Sir:
The “Daytona 200 Motorcycle Club” (AMA Sanctioned)US HWY 92, Daytona Beach, Fl (386-252-2132) has committed itself to sponsor the “THE FUN RIDE FOR KIDS” on September 23, 2001. This run will benefit “Our Children First” which provides services such as Case Management, Counseling and “A Child’s Dream”.
Thanks to the donations from the businesses in the community (such as yourself) the previous “A Child’s Dream” benefit run in 1999 exceeded everyone’s expectations by raising over $ 9,000. This enabled us to help fulfill the wishes of children in our community that had been diagnosed with terminal illnesses.
We hope you will show us your support by making a charitable donation in the form of a gift certificate or merchandise that we may use as a door prizes, auction and/or raffle. Your donation will take us one step closer to achieving or surpassing our goal.
Please mail any donations to: Helen Albertson 2070 Avocado Drive Daytona Beach, Fl 32124 (386-253-9865)
Thanking you in advance we remain
Sincerely Yours
**Our Children First** 517-519 So. Ridgewood Ave Daytona Beach, Fl 32114 386-248-2771 Victoria McGuirk, APR Tax Exempt # 74-06-075408-60C
Full Name:
Janet Lustik
Home Page:
Date and Time:
7/18/2001, 3:21 PM
Juan and Suzie, We cannot see you the property at 2-3 as planned at the Bayshore. We can see it around 10am on Sat. or after 5...which is best for you?? Looking at your site just makes me HUNGRY....now I wish I would have made it for lunch!!! ljanetf@msn.com or 386-290-8080
Full Name:
Christopher Dunn
Home Page:
Date and Time:
3/29/2001, 10:59 AM
My name is Christobal and I am an American amatuer photographer. Visited Havana in February 2000 and had a beautiful experience and took many great photos. Currently looking for locations to show my work. Please have a look at my website and let me know if you would be interested or might know someone else. Thank you for your time.
Buena Suerte,
Full Name:
Stephen & Kristin Pategas
Home Page:
Date and Time:
2/27/2001, 9:05 PM
We and our guests (from Connecticut & Washington state) thoroughly enjoyed the authentic food and the owners. I hope they remember to continue to come out of the kitchen to charm us with their stories and hospitality. Best wishes, Stephen & Kristin
Full Name:
Gretchen Moyer
Home Page:
Date and Time:
1/7/2001, 9:24 AM
Hi, Don't knopw if you ever check this or not. Ronny really liked the seven up like drink but the pineapple is still the best. He said to tell you Thank you again. See you in a few weeks.Happy Birthday to Juan on the 23rd. Love Gretchen
Full Name:
Andrea Villafana
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Date and Time:
4/4/2000, 1:37 PM
I have been there and, como yo soy cubana, I know good Cuban food when I taste it...competes with Abuela's food.
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Artiles y Estela Faxas
Home Page:
Date and Time:
12.8.99, 11:37 AM
Every meals is very good,Juan is the best cook of the area. Keepit up Juan and Susi Saludos Artiles y Estela
Full Name:
Antonio y Ofelia Guardarrama
Home Page:
Date and Time:
12.3.99, 1:55 AM
Hola sobrinos y nietos, còmo estàn. El restaurant esta bello y los platos sabrosos. Los dejo que me entrò hambre. Besos para los ninos y ustedes un abrazo de Tio Nico y tia Ofelia