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Full Name: casondra stridacchio
Home Page:
Date and Time: 4/24/2001, 5:33 PM
Comments: love your work could you stop by my store to give me a price for my sign outside.hope you like my site..
Full Name: casondra stridacchio
Home Page:
Date and Time: 4/24/2001, 5:33 PM
Comments: love your work could you stop by my store to give me a price for my sign outside.hope you like my site..
Full Name: chuck lovet
Home Page: None.
Date and Time: 4/4/2001, 10:05 AM
Comments: I will give you a call, but I hope this site is not a reflection of your actual work.
Thank You
Full Name: C.J.
Home Page: None.
Date and Time: 3/27/2001, 3:15 PM
Comments: if the store owners read this then could you please e-mail me some information on the florida mini-sprint cars, (i know you race them due to my father going there for kart lettering)

thank you
Full Name: Erick Seban-Meyer (photographe de mode)
Home Page:
Date and Time: 7/1/2000, 12:18 PM
Comments: Liked your site ;-)
visit the links page on my site
By the way if you are looking information about fashion photography you can go and visit this site by clicking here !
ps: you should redeclare you URL to search engines like Altavista as they seem to consider your site as non updated.
Full Name: Erick Seban-Meyer (photographe de mode)
Home Page:
Date and Time: 6/29/2000, 5:56 PM
Comments: Loved you site ;-)

By the way if you are looking information about fashion and advertising photography you can go and visit this site by clicking here !
ps: you should redeclare you URL to search engines as they seem to consider your site as non updated.
Full Name: Beverly Baker
Home Page: None.
Date and Time: 1/24/2000, 8:48 PM
Comments: I am interested in an icecream truck magnetic decal. something tasteful not the typical tacky, open to suggestions.

Please respond....Thanks
Full Name: Bonnie McCleary
Home Page: None.
Date and Time: 11.4.99, 12:19 PM
Comments: We are always happy with all the work
your shop does for our company
Thank You
Full Name: Arlie Gallup
Home Page: None.
Date and Time: 8.22.99, 7:32 PM
Comments: Is it possible to get a Betty Boop decal or sighn fr a tractor trailer?