Week of 3/28/2010 to 4/3/2010: Top 50 of 894 Search Keywords

Sorted by Access Count

Rank Search Keyword(s) Accesses %
1 blue springs state park 107 5.34
2 deleon springs 101 5.04
3 deleon springs sugar mill 90 4.49
4 deleon springs pancakes 52 2.60
5 old spanish sugar mill restaurant 40 2.00
6 0 39 1.95
7 mss 39 1.95
8 hontoon island state park 38 1.90
9 blue springs 34 1.70
10 sugar mill deleon springs 28 1.40
11 blue spring state park 24 1.20
12 de leon springs pancakes 19 0.95
13 deleon springs state park 17 0.85
14 bjork 16 0.80
15 1 16 0.80
16 http://www.google.com/search?sourceid=navclient 15 0.75
17 2 15 0.75
18 deland+florida 14 0.70
19 f 14 0.70
20 iklan mie.gif 13 0.65
21 sugar mill restaurant 13 0.65
22 0h 13 0.65
23 de leon springs 12 0.60
24 planet deland 12 0.60
25 hontoon island 12 0.60
26 won lee deland 11 0.55
27 blue springs state park florida 11 0.55
28 old sugar mill deleon springs 10 0.50
29 deleon springs pancake 9 0.45
30 ponce de leon springs 9 0.45
31 blue springs fl 8 0.40
32 deland,+fl 7 0.35
33 old spanish sugar mill 7 0.35
34 deland florida restaurants 6 0.30
35 the sugar mill deleon springs 6 0.30
36 blue springs florida 6 0.30
37 www.aciansex.com 6 0.30
38 spice girl lollipops 6 0.30
39 the old spanish sugar mill restaurant 6 0.30
40 sugar mill florida 5 0.25
41 deland+florida%5c 5 0.25
42 de leon springs sugar mill 5 0.25
43 credit33.com 5 0.25
44 blue springs deland 5 0.25
45 candy castle 5 0.25
46 sugar mill pancake house 5 0.25
47 deland+fl 5 0.25
48 gar+samuelson 5 0.25
49 firelli 4 0.20
50 blue springs fl manatees 4 0.20