Week of 9/29/2013 to 10/5/2013: Top 50 of 247 Search Keywords

Sorted by Access Count

Rank Search Keyword(s) Accesses %
1 mss 29 5.37
2 jigglygirls 19 3.52
3 image 17 3.15
4 deland florida 17 3.15
5 deland+florida 16 2.96
6 deleon springs 11 2.04
7 deleon springs pancake 10 1.85
8 blue springs 8 1.48
9 deland fl 8 1.48
10 instructions for fixed appliance=133247963 8 1.48
11 yhs-fh_lsonsw 7 1.30
12 deleon springs pancakes 7 1.30
13 old spanish sugar mill 6 1.11
14 indeyansex 5 0.93
15 ultramodel sexibl 5 0.93
16 wekiva high school football dsp 5 0.93
17 client=ms-android-samsung 5 0.93
18 myfreyja sunshine 5 0.93
19 hontoon island state park 5 0.93
20 gar samuelson 5 0.93
21 won lee 5 0.93
22 won lees deland fl 5 0.93
23 htt://www.google.com/m?client 5 0.93
24 oiu xxxxxxsex. spanesh 5 0.93
25 jpg4.us images 4 0.74
26 http://www.google.com.pk/webhp?hl=en-gb 4 0.74
27 deland fl history 4 0.74
28 anemal sex 4 0.74
29 anemalsex 4 0.74
30 won lee deland fl 4 0.74
31 pictures of deland fl 4 0.74
32 indaisex+photos 4 0.74
33 tony new york pizza in deland fl 3 0.56
34 sugar mill 3 0.56
35 wwwanimalsex.com 3 0.56
36 jpg4 us 3 0.56
37 chinese restaurant logo 3 0.56
38 volusia+county+courthouse 3 0.56
39 http://www.google.com/m?client=ms-android-samsung 3 0.56
40 jpg4.us 3 0.56
41 deleon springs sugar mill 3 0.56
42 old sugar mill fl 3 0.56
43 deleon springs state park 3 0.56
44 candylist gir 3 0.56
45 sugar mill deleon springs 3 0.56
46 www.animalsexcom 3 0.56
47 sexibl oceane 3 0.56
48 rick tonyan 3 0.56
49 hontoon island 3 0.56
50 old stone mill restaurant 3 0.56