Week of 2/9/2014 to 2/15/2014: Top 50 of 313 Search Keywords

Sorted by Access Count

Rank Search Keyword(s) Accesses %
1 wwww.google.com br 75 10.64
2 http //mmc.xl.net.id.30025/portal web 28 3.97
3 deland florida 25 3.55
4 deland fl 19 2.70
5 candylist 18 2.55
6 heilig meyers 1425 s. woodland blvd. deland fl 16 2.27
7 blue springs state park 10 1.42
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9 old spanish sugar mill 9 1.28
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11 lsn tvn.hu image size 956x1440 nudist 8 1.13
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13 filamxxx 8 1.13
14 the old spanish sugar mill 7 0.99
15 deleon springs pancakes 6 0.85
16 image 6 0.85
17 http://mmc.xl.net.id:30025/portalweb/ 6 0.85
18 956x1440 ift.tt 5 0.71
19 anemalsex 5 0.71
20 www.google..co 5 0.71
21 deland downtown 5 0.71
22 soid-browser-type 5 0.71
23 ponce de leon springs 5 0.71
24 deleon springs sugar mill 5 0.71
25 deleon springs 4 0.57
26 www.google.com/xhtml%3fq%3dwww.%252 4 0.57
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29 all www.tvn.hu ls imagesize 1440x956 nudist 4 0.57
30 google 4 0.57
31 956x1440 :) 4 0.57
32 deland+fl 4 0.57
33 www.google.com br 4 0.57
34 956x1440 3 0.43
35 http,://mmc.xl.net.id.30025/portalweb 3 0.43
36 www.indian sex.com 3 0.43
37 956x1440 022 3 0.43
38 de land florida 3 0.43
39 sugar mill deleon springs 3 0.43
40 956x1440 s 3 0.43
41 isl 956x1440 3 0.43
42 http://mmc.xl.net.id:30025/portal 3 0.43
43 gar samuelson fatal opera 3 0.43
44 tvn hu lsmodel nude 3 0.43
45 wong lee in deland 3 0.43
46 imagetwist imagesize lsn models 3 0.43
47 xfree.hu lsm nudes 3 0.43
48 http://mmc.xl.net.id:30025/portalweb 3 0.43
49 yhs-fh_lsonsw 3 0.43
50 www'gougel.sex'com' 3 0.43