
- City of DeLand Community Development Department
- (904) 736-3900
The Community Development Department prepares and carries out short and long range
industrial and economic development goals and objectives. The department is the primary
resource in the development and redevelopment of the airport industrial park, the city's
central business district and other commercial areas of the city. This office provides
one-stop permitting for development plans.
- DeLand Economic Development Committee - (904)
The DeLand Economic Development Committee is appointed by the City Commission on
matters dealing with the DeLand Airport and the DeLand Airport Industrial Park. Committee
members represent business, industry and education.
- Mainstreet DeLand Association - (904)
The Mainstreet DeLand Association is dedicated to the development of Downtown
DeLand. Its purpose is to promote the downtown area and its redevelopment process. Local
businesses, banks, downtown property owners and others band together to direct this
- DeLand
Chamber of Commerce - (904) 734-4331
The focus of the DeLand Area Chamber of Commerce is on business and economic
growth. The Chamber's programs aim to benefit local businesses, organizations and
- Enterprise Florida - (407) 425-5313
Enterprise Florida is a private, not-for-profit organization aimed at improving
Florida's business climate and its future with a variety of programs including Capital
Partnership, Innovation Partnership and Jobs & Education.
- Florida Department of Commerce - (904)
The Florida Department of Commerce's Division of Economic Development offers
programs for industry, business assistance, film making, agriculture, aqua culture, high
technology, sports, international trade and tourism.
- Volusia County Business Development Corporation
- (904) 274-3800
Known as VCBDC, the Volusia County Business Development Corporation is a city /
county private partnership used to promote Volusia County. It actively pursues companies
interested in relocating to Volusia County. It maintains information on available sites,
land use and zoning regulations.
- DeLand Committee of 100 - (904) 734-4331
The committee encourages businesses and other organizations to relocate to West
Volusia by seeking those who would compliment the area. It works as a coordinating
committee with state and local agencies promoting economic development in West Volusia.
The Committee of 100 is housed within the DeLand Chamber of Commerce.
- Stetson
University - (904) 822-7000
Stetson University is a private, four-year liberal arts college with a tradition of
excellence. It offers businesses the Small Business Institute, the School of Business and
is home to the area office of the Small Business Administration.
- Daytona Beach Community College - (904)
255-8131 / West Campus (904) 228-3090
Daytona Beach Community College provides the area with a variety of business and
industry training programs including the School of Technologies and the Business and
Professional Institute. It houses two branch campuses in West Volusia and a downtown
DeLand training training program.
- Service Corps or Retired Executives (SCORE) -
(904) 734-4331
SCORE is a volunteer group of retired business executives who provide consulting
amd counceling to small businesses and entrepreneurs at no charge.
- Volusia County Association for Responsible Development
- (904) 257-4169
A non-profit, volunteer group of area builders, developers, architects, engineers
and land use attorney's promoting responsible, balanced growth. Publishes papers and holds
meetings on growth and development issues.
- Volusia Manufactures Association (V.M.A.) -
(904) 673-0505
Group of over 100 manufacturers and associated businesses, professionally staffed.
V.M.A. supports educational and community programs, providing forums for the exchange of
ideas and techniques. V.M.A. also conducts seminars and publishes wage and fringe benefits
- Central Florida Manufacturing Technology Center
- (904) 947-3172
A Not-for-Profitorganization whose mission is to enhance productivity and
technological performance, and strengthens the global competitiveness of small and medium
sized manufacturing firms located in central and northeast florida.