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101 North Woodland Blvd - Completed in 1924, the First National Bank was DeLand's first skyscraper. it housed the bank until it declared bankruptcy in 1929. Watch your step, but slow down, you might catch a glimpse of Clarence Hayes footprints. As a local policeman, he was known to stand out front and greet passersby while keeping an eye out for crime and disorderly conduct.

Designed in the masonry vernacular, the building has classical revival influences, including decorative columns and pilasters surrounding the entryway. Now, look on the side of the building directly in front of you. During the Depression era, an unknown man and his female companion had their own sideshow of sorts. He would climb the building's side and disappear somewhere near the top; thus earning the name ''Human Fly.'' While he disappeared into the wall, to round out the show, his companion collected change from the crowd.

This center is currently occupied by the following businesses:  
Allen Group, The
(386) 734-9389
Baumgartner / Bennett Co. The
(386) 734-1665
Black Crow Broadcasting
(386) 740-1260
CPH Engineers
(386) 736-4142
Dempsey Donald B. Attorney
(386) 738-1159
McNeilly A Kathleen and Asscoiates
(386) 734-4741
American Note & Mortgage
(386) 740-7777
Built-Rite Construction of Central Florida Inc.
(386) 738-3637
Cook's Cafe & Sandwich Shop
(386) 738-5030
Hubbard Construction
(386) 734-2423
Kaufman Englett & Lynd PA
(386) 736-0011
Miller and Heil PA
(386) 736-9000
West Volusia Tourist Authority


111 North Woodland Blvd. - This is the former site of Doc Simmons Liquor Store. Built in 1927, it promised to leave you in good spirits or, as many as you could afford. This building is one and a half stories and is constructed in the masonry vernacular style.

Currently occupied by:
City Cigar
DeLand, FL 32720
(386) 736-0080


113 North Woodland Blvd. - Constructed in 1887, this was the site of Brill's Novelty Shop. It was the forerunner of Five and Dime stores. Mr. T. Brill would stand outside of his shop and greet customers who stopped to stare at the postcards hanging in his shop window. Built in the masonry vernacular style, the structure is one story in height and is designed as a retail storefront.

Currently occupied by:
Pretty Little Things
DeLand, FL 32720
(386) 736-0005 


115 North Woodland Blvd. - If you strolled these same paths in 1887, you were about to enter paradise. You might have felt the need to refresh yourself for a stop under the awnings at this address.

Currently occupied by:
Ferrell Jewelers
DeLand, FL 32720
(386) 734-3801


117 North Woodland Blvd. - If you strolled these same paths in 1887, you were about to enter paradise. You might have felt the need to refresh yourself for a stop under the awnings at this address.


Currently occupied by:
DeLand Abbey
DeLand, FL 32720
(386) 734.4545

119 North Woodland Blvd. - And to think, this is where it all started. The buildings in this group attempt to claim that the firc started at their address. Unfortunately, only one can claim the title. It goes to 119 N. Woodland Boulevard. The story is told that someone dropped a cigarette on the saloon's sawdust floor. Left smoldering into the wee hours of the morning, the butt caught, the sawdust sparked, and the fire was on its way to destroying downtown DeLand.

Currently occupied by:
Wolfe's Gallery
DeLand, FL 32720
(386) 740-1492

121 North Woodland Blvd. - After the fire, the site was the home of Bracey's Drug Store. Constructed in 1892, the business provided competition for the other drugstores in town. It displays masonry vernacular attributes such as the one and a half story in height and stucco finish. The building was designed as a retail storefront on the first floor and office or meeting spaces on the second. The 121 N. Woodland address has as its most notable features an exterior facade of brick and a mission.

Currently occupied by:
Stephen Parker's Rear Coins Gallery
DeLand, FL 32720
(386) 740-7776


129 North Woodland Blvd. - Victor Fountain paid $10,000 to J.T. Cairns, an early DeLand settler and builder, to construct this commercial building with classical influences. Fountain ran advertisements that encouraged customers to come to his store and see the newest ideas in fall and winter woolens.

Built in 1908, the building has a recessed store-front entry and plate glass display windows. The building has a flat roof, which displays a decorative cornice along the front of the building.


Currently occupied by: 129 1/2 - Suite 5
Stetson Flower and Gift Shop Inc.
DeLand, FL 32720
(386) 734-0796
Law Office of Christolpher R. Ditslear
DeLand, FL 32720
(386) 738-4770


131 North Woodland Blvd. - The original occupants were unknown for this location. However, in 1925, the DeLand Piano & Music Company resided here.

The building features simple masonry vernacular style. It also has a storefront motif, which consists of large display window and awnings. The exterior ornamentation consists of a simple cornice that runs along the top of the building.

Currently occupied by:
BerryVille Frozen Yogurt
DeLand, FL 32720
(386) 279-0141  


133 North Woodland Blvd. - The original occupants were unknown for this location. However, in 1925, the DeLand Piano & Music Company resided here.

The building features simple masonry vernacular style. It also has a storefront motif, which consists of large display window and awnings. The exterior ornamentation consists of a simple cornice that runs along the top of the building.

Currently occupied by:
The Elusive Grape
DeLand, FL 32720
(386) 785-2467


135 North Woodland Blvd. - Patrons could shop Watts Hardware when this building was constructed in 1915. Customers could purchase hardware or get their watches and jewelry fixed. An invitation was extended to all customers that "glasses and speck frames adjusted free" with a guarantee.

A common storefront theme continues along this address. Notice the large windows and awnings that decorate the front of the building. Also, basic masonry vernacular features including brick and stucco.

Currently occupied by:

*137- *139 North Woodland Blvd. - (*137)Patrons could shop Watts Hardware when this building was constructed in 1915. Customers could purchase hardware or get their watches and jewelry fixed. An invitation was extended to all customers that "glasses and speck frames adjusted free" with a guarantee.

(*139) This is the former site of the Princess Theatre. Owned by Howard Stewart and Tom Hays, it was built in 1921. Forget the overpriced blockbusters you're familiar with today. When admission saw an increase from a dime to twenty cents, there was reported to be a murmur in the crowd.

A common storefront theme continues along this address. Notice the large windows and awnings that decorate the front of the building. Also, basic masonry vernacular features including brick and stucco.

Currently occupied by:
Little Wren Gifts
DeLand, FL 32720
(386) 736-4440


141 North Woodland Blvd. - Built in 1906 and home of an unidentified auto garage, the building is constructed in simple masonry vernacular style. It also has a store- front motif, which consists of a large display window and awnings. The exterior ornamentation consists of a simple cornice that runs along the top of the building.

Currently occupied by:
Florida Art Gallery
DeLand, FL 32720
(386) 740-7209


143 North Woodland Blvd. - Built in 1906 and home of an unidentified auto garage, the building is constructed in simple masonry vernacular style. It also has a store- front motif, which consists of a large display window and awnings. The exterior ornamentation consists of a simple cornice that runs along the top of the building.

Currently occupied by:
Fogleman's Studio
DeLand, FL 32720
(386) 734-1133


145 North Woodland Blvd. - Also built in 1906" this is the former home of Marshe's Meat Market.

Currently occupied by:
Libary DeLand
DeLand, FL 32720


201 North Woodland Blvd. - Constructed in the masonry vernacular style in 1920, the building exhibits similar design and use of materials as others in the area. The building's construction was sponsored by the Florida Public Services, which was the place to pay your bills.

The buildings in this block are referred to as the Codrington Block. The Codrington family, pioneer newspaper publishers in the town, owned the block of buildings and leased portions of it to various tenants. It was reported that some 3,000 bricks were bought from the Bond Sandstone Brick Company of Lake Helen to construct the building.

Currently occupied by:
V.W. Gould Agency
DeLand, FL 32720
(386) 734-3970

203 North Woodland Blvd.

Currently occupied by:
Candy Boutique
DeLand, FL 32720

205 North Woodland Blvd.

Currently occupied by:
Kenton A. Shephard CPA
DeLand, FL 32720
(386) 736-7200

207 North Woodland Blvd.

Currently occupied by:
Junque Exchange
DeLand, FL 32720
(386) 738-3735

209 North Woodland Blvd.

Currently occupied by:
Cliff's Books
DeLand, FL 32720
(386) 738-9464

211 North Woodland Blvd.

Currently occupied by:
Tabletop Antiques
DeLand, FL 32720
(386) 736-1575

217A North Woodland Blvd.

Currently occupied by:
Firehouse Subs
DeLand, FL 32720
(386) 740-8700

217B North Woodland Blvd.

Currently occupied by:
Mr. Phad Thais Restaurant
DeLand, FL 32720
(386) 740-0168

DeLand Landing Mural - 247 North Woodland Blvd  - Known as the DeLand Landing mural, this painting depicts the early methods of mass transportation in Central Florida. The St. Johns River brought settlers, their families and tourists on steamboats. They were met at the dock by horse-drawn wagons that brought them into town.




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