- www.photogs.com/bwworld -
Black & White World. A Celebration of Photography. "A 'zine dedicated
to black & white photography. Features include: a b&w photo competition; photo of
the month; monthly-updated top ten b&w photo websites listing; discussion forums;
how-to info for beginners and advanced photographers; a book store dedicated to b&w
photography; more."
- www.sfcentral.com/cbc/ - CBC
Web-Mag. A Free On-Line Web Magazine for Comic Book Collectors & Readers
"It is what is happening in the comic book universe and contains reviews, interviews,
FAN ART, what's new, and MUCH MUCH MORE!!!!
- www.jps.net/puppet - Digital
Puppet Magazine. "Digital Puppet Magazine is a quarterly e-zine showing people
how to make animated motion pictures on their Macintosh or Windows NT using digital actors
for distribution on DVD-Video disks in the wide-screen format with digital surround
- www.colostate.edu/~hankb/ibtch.html
- The Bitch. "A caciophy of words, from poetry to prose to top-ten lists. This
paper is built for amusement purposes only, no-one will assume any responsibility if thou
art offended. But, we do have a bit of everything, and some article sure to please the
tastebuds. The alternative the administration can't catch, from the proud land of Rocky
Mountain High School, welcome to our lives!"
- www.csulb.edu/~wstien/ -
Black Cross Magazine. A Journal of Heavy Poetry & Art. "We publish
poetry and art with a heavy-metal edge. More funny and perverted than melancholy. We have
a web-site that mirrors our print-issue."
- www.collegebeat.com -
CollegeBeat. "CollegeBeat is a social, academic, and intellectual network for
college students. We feature weekly cutting-edge articles and have several columns written
by students all over the country. Catch up on the vibe of college America with us."
- www.cris.com/~outlawyr/ -
Digital Dementia. Demented Madlibs, reviews, and stuff. "Madlibs, zines,
music, found "poetry", a magic 8-ball, and a little something we like to call,
Digital Dementia."
- www.techline.com/~mcn/vogon/
- Earth Sucks. An Outworld View. "Earth Sucks is an ezine of political
and cultural satire, and the official website of the Planet Vogon."
- www.entermag.com - Enter Magazine.
For Life After College. "Enter Magazine helps smooth the transition from
college student to working professional. Enter's daily news and monthly stories cover
career-related issues, personal finance, cars, sex, entertainment, food and more. Enter is
an award-winning "career guide and consumer resource aimed at college students and
recent graduates."
- members.aol.com/befreezine
- BeFreeZine. Dedicated to Freedom of Expression. "Each month we feature
a comic strip about "Mr. Conventional Wisdom" in Quicktime Movie format, as well
as poems and graphics."
- www.almshouse.com - Civil War
Interactive. History on the Cutting Edge. "Civil War Interactive is a
free online Civil War magazine dedicated to showing history the way it really was. No
sugar-coating here, just the plain unvarnished truth."
- www.swingmachine.ml.org -
The Electric Big-Bang Swing Machine! An E-zine About Absolutely Nothing.
"Less than nothing in fact. You could sum us up in one word: "Whee!"
because you can't take Life or Literature too seriously. Consider yourself invited into an
enchanting world where points of view are mixed and muddled and the power of Imagination
precedes the power of Observation.
- www.king.igs.net/~rogersk/nowhere.htm
- Everybody knows this is NOWHERE. PsychoDad's online information warehouse.
"A ever-changing collection of insights and analysis of interesting areas of human
behavior with a multimedia interactive "edu-tainment" theme."
- www.execmag.com - Exec! The Unisys
Online Journal for Senior Managers "Exec! is a monthly e-zine that combines original
editorial material with regularly updated links to key information resources, all
specifically targeted at an audience of senior managers."
- www.cheyenneweb.com/angles/
- The Angle. A Magazine About Mission Critical Thinking. "Wyoming's own online
literary magazine. Local and national issues from politics to parenting. Opinion and
feature articles are added daily and include movie, art and music reviews; digital art
galleries; poetry, fiction and topical debates."
- www.amnewsabuse.com - AM News Abuse.
Your Daily Dose of Apparent Intelligence, "Daily outrageous headlines
and satire on real news and general interest stories."
- www.brettnews.com - BRETTnews. The Peppy
Zine for Active People. "An occasional zine of humor and entertainment.
Selected as one of the Top 100 Sites on the Web
- members.aol.com/DailyCow/indexhcom.htm
- A Call To Cud. Official E-Zine For The Holy Church of Moo. "Our first
two issues explain the ruminants of MOOISM. Our guide is CARL, a mystical man of milk, who
is helping us translate MOOISM to humans. Historical text, church graphics, cows, and
member testimoonies. It's more than just a religion, it's a way of milk!"
- www.cardhouse.com - Cardhouse. The Edge of
Failure. "Cardhouse is a Detroit-based pop-culture/humor publication started in
May of 1990 (as "X Magazine"). Past issue themes/topics have included bowling,
autos, the Fisher-Price Little People, noise, Japan, and travel. The print version of
Cardhouse is available only through the publisher. The web version of Cardhouse features
unavailable back issues and much, much more. "The Missives" is a semi-weekly
mailing that covers unusual/interesting pop culture phenomenons from a personal/humorous
point of view."
- www.geocities.com/soho/cafe/1080
- The Daily Lunch. For people who love lunch by people who love lunch.
"The Daily Lunch is a comedy magazine dedicated to the best part of the work day --
the lunch break. Each issue lightheartedly discusses several different people's one hour
and what they did with it. The Daily Lunch is written by and for its readers. Readers are
encouraged to write about their lunch and/or experiences that revolved around the
afternoon meal. Laugh until you choke."
- www.mexconnect.com - Access
Mexico Connect. "An outstanding source of Mexican information -- the best & most
complete about Mexico. Living, travel, business, magazine, Forums, history, culture,
perspective. It is all here." Frequency:monthly with weekly updatesLanguages:English,
- www.biendire.com/home.htm
- Bien-dire. The journal from France for learners of France. "Learn
French language with journal from France."
- www.deadfish.com - Dead Fish.
"A monthly updated site with a touch of weird humor expressing Asian-American
- www.caffmag.com/caffmag/ -
caffeinated magazine. the online zine of caffeine culture. "This is a
monthly zine of caffeine zine that features a Cafe of the Month column, coffeehouse
reviews from all across the United States (reviews from other parts of world are on their
way), and articles, essays, fiction, and photo essays devoted to aspects of the
caffeinated experience, including technical notes, history, etiquette, ordering coffee and
tea online, and random ramblings and musings. We have a staff of over 20 contributors, and
new contributors are always welcome!"
- www.cigarlife.com - CigarLife.
The Internet Cigar Magazine. "The Internet cigar magazine. Tired of the
hype? Looking for the cigar information that really matters? This is the place to find
honest stories about cigars that relate to the way you really live. CigarLife has the
listings you're looking for as well as the latest cigar products and news."
- www.exploremaine.com/~aopoetry/fallon/index.html
- Apples & Oranges, Oranges & Apples Poetry on the Screen. "Poetry
online magazine for free verse, traditional poems & experimental forms. Elementary
& high school poets' screen. Open to new, controversial, minority or traditional
ideas. Erotic, yes; pornographic or prejudicial ideas no. Religious acceptable. Screens
move from poetry news to poetry-related essays & interviews to Maine literature, Maine
Literary Hall to poetry, music & social action links to environmental subject matter.
Visit the site, then read Editorial Credo. Include short bios of human interest. Site now
includes the Maine Lit-Ring, a web-ring devoted to Maine literature."
- www.clocktowerfiction.com
- Clocktower Fiction. Exciting Web Fiction Since 1996. "Over 1700 pages
of top quality science fiction, mystery, and suspense fiction, absolutely free. Pioneers
(sf): six people leave the dying Earth on a 1000-year journey to a paradise planet filled
with unexpected surprises and answers to questions nobody thought to ask. Neon Blue
(suspense): Young DEA agent Laurel Humboldt is in up to her ears in an international drug
smuggling ring -- and a love triangle that involves her romantically with a beautiful
Chinese-American lesbian police detective and an irresistibly handsome and wealthy former
male fashion model."
- www.textdoctor.com - Diagnosis.
The Text Doctor's Prescription for Well-Healed Writing. "Diagnosis is
your quarterly source of information about writing and the English language. Here you will
find volume's of tips and tricks as well as informative book reviews, Internet resources,
and quotes from other famous writers and intellectuals."
- www.iwr.com/ezine/ - AAA
Alternative Health Tips. "This ezine is for those who are looking for better
health, more energy, and a longer and higher quality of life. The issues will give the
latest information on what is being done in the alternative health field. Contents is
taken from Dr. Lendon Smith. M.D.'s book "Feed Your Body Right" and other
articles written by him."
- www.helpself.com - Be Your Own
Therapist Newsletter. Self-Help Psychology & Psychotherapy Bytes. "A
free web bimonthly self-help psychology newsletter featuring tips and suggestions for
changing your ideas, your actions, your emotions and your life; written by licensed
psychotherapist, Thayer White, MA MFCC, author of book 'Be Your Own Therapist -- Whoever
You Hire Is Just Your Assistant'.
- www.cancernews.com - Cancer News
on the Net . cancer. "This is the best Cancer Information Resource on the
Internet. They feature links to most of the major cancer sites on the Web. In addition,
the have a growing list of original articles on various forms of Cancer. Dr. Richard K.J.
Brown has created an outstanding resource for cancer patients and their families!"
- www.onelist.com/subscribe.cgi/dietcoach
- DietCoach. Diet Tips and Motivation for Permanent and Healthy Weight Loss.
"Dr Judy Citron is a diet coach and motivation expert working to help those with a
weight problem achieve healthy and lasting weight loss. In this newsletter she shares
those tips and techniques that helped her end the trauma of yoyo dieting and can now help
- www.tiac.net/users/elements/amp/
- Alternate Music Press. The Multimedia Magazine of New Music.
"The magazine features lots of reviews, interviews, music news, feature articles,
MIDI files, and links to hundreds of music sites."
- www.dircon.co.uk/~spacedog/Bobindex.htm
- Bucketful of Brains. "Established in 1979, Bucketfull of Brains is the UK's
premier rock 'n roll, pop, psych, garage, punk, R & B, country and folk fanzine."
- www.cm-online.net/cmusic -
C-Music Online. A Christian Musicians Forum. "C-Music Online provides a
free forum for Chrisitan musicians of all ages, talents, genre's and experiences. C-Music
Online has monthly featured artist reviews of our members, and also provides chat, e-mail
discussion list, e-mail newsletters, and more."
- www.geocities.com/BourbonStreet/5771
- ChewToy. Noise, Picts & Scrawl. "The new ChewToy "Bozine"
serves up music, photo, and poetry in three different rooms: Noise, Picts, and Scrawl. The
Noise (music) room includes sound files in a few different formats, along with regional
band tour schedules and news on new releases. The Scrawl room features several different
area poets (nothin' schlocky), a unique collection of Acrobat PDF files and links, and a
recommended reads column.
- members.aol.com/eruptzine/eruptzine.html
- e-Rupture. your source for industrial/electronic music info. "Reviews
of industrial/electronic music CDs and live shows, along with personal rants and other
media reviews: books, computer games and video."
- www.led-zeppelin.com - Electric
Magic. The LED ZEPPELIN Chronicle: The home of Led Zeppelin on the internet.
"Features rare exclusive photos, unreleased audio and video clips, articles, news,
reviews, interviews, discography, lyrics & much more, from the highly-acclaimed
fanzine "Electric Magic: The Led Zeppelin Chronicle.
- www.e-musician.com - Electronic
Musician online. The premier resource for musicians interested in personal music
production. "emusician is the online home of Electronic Musician magazine, the
premier resource for musicians interested in personal music production.Musicians can
interact with EM editors for tips, news, and reviews & access free music industry and
article databases."
- members.xoom.com/eternityzine/
- Eternity. underground music zine. "The Eternity homepage features some
interviews from the printed issues, forum, several specials, band chats, photos, links,
history, etc."
- www.americanreporter.com -
The American Reporter. The Internet Digital Daily Since 1995. "American
Reporter Correspondents file news, columns and features daily from around the world.
Founded April 10, 1995 by Editor-in-Chief Joe Shea with a group of 30 reporters from the
online Society of Professional Journalists discussion list, it is celebrated for fine
writing and for getting the Communications Decency Act declared unconstitutional in the
landmark Shea v Reno First Amendment case in Manhattan Federal court in July, 1996. It is
owned by the journalists who contribute stories to it, and supplies other Web sites and
print publications with articles through a penny per word reprint service."
- www.creative.net/~babydoe
- Baby Doe's Obsessed! "Baby Doe's Obsessed is an e-zine all about my obsession
with... er... other people's obsessions! Articles include topics such as tikis, lounge
culture, and wacky stuff!"
- www.porter.ucsc.edu/chupa/
- Chupa!. Yet Another Web-Zine for the Bitter at Heart "From the creator of the
original anti-Barney site comes Chupa, with a much broader selection of things to hate,
plus much more. Find out what Chupa can do for you."
- www.disgruntled.com -
Disgruntled. The Business Magazine for People Who Work for a Living.
"Disgruntled focuses on the darker side of the world of work. It mixes news, feature,
commentary and satire writen from an employee perspective."
- www.cyberstory.com - CyberStory.
Inspirational, Heartwarming, Uplifting Stories! "Need an emotional
pick-me-up? CyberStory is a website devoted to uplifting, feel-good stories taken from
real life experiences that will bring a smile to your face, inspire you, offer you a new
perspective or get you thinking about how you too can make a difference in someone's
- www.paperbacks.com/poetry/index.htm
- The Archives of Unusual Poetry. "The Archives of Unusual Poetry is a
non-profit service that showcases the works of unknown and unsung poets of the recent
past. Most of these works were self-published, and poorly publicized. Hopefully now, they
can be brought forth from the darkness into the light."
- www.annoyed.com - Annoyed.
Because there's always *something* "An e-zine featuring *short*, slightly
cynical commentary, satire, humor, and entertainment -- no whining."
- www.badopinion.com -
badopinion.com. Weekly opinions...cheap. "Articles and reviews with abstract
and intangible morsels of goodness."
- www.arkonline.com - Ark Online.
The Online magazine for people who care about animals. "ARK Online is a
web-only magazine for people who care about animals. Many stories include actions you can
take on behalf of animals both locally and worldwide. Operated entirely on a volunteer
basis, ARK welcomes the submittal of new material."
- www.consciouschoice.com -
Conscious Choice. The Journal of Ecology & Natural Living. "A
bi-monthly magazine of the American Midwest that reports on environmental issues and
natural alternatives in health care, food, and nutrition. Each issue also takes a broad
look at various topics from a perspective that sees the world as an interconnected,
interdependent community whose survival depends on the development of sustainable patterns
of living.
- www.lucy-the-dog.com/respons2.html
- Dog Bytes. Everything For The Dog Enthusiast "The purpose of Dog Bytes is to
alert you to what's new and interesting on the Internet for dog enthusiasts. Mostly to let
you know what's new, it's filled with dog news, special offers and other tasty
- www.dotelectronics.com -
Dotelectronics. The on-line magazine for Electronics Engineers.
"Dotelectronics is an on-line technical magazine that covers electronics engineering
developments, news, new products and systems, as well as job vacancies. A UK buyers guide
for electronics engineers to find suppliers of components and systems."
- www.bovagems.com/eclectic/
- The Eclectic Lapidary. "The Eclectic Lapidary is a free monthly E-Zine about
the lapidary arts, gems, minerals, jewelry and tales of collecting adventures. Behind the
scenes stories, mining reports, history, folklore, equipment info, and techniques are all
among the features published in The Eclectic Lapidary. It is written by and for lapidary
enthusiasts, both professionals and hobbyists, and is a truly eclectic publication. It
offers a free 'Trading Post' for non-commercial trading between readers, and Forums where
readers can post and read comments or ask and answer questions. A print version of The
Eclectic Lapidary is planned for later in 1998."
- www.allaboutscience.com -
All About Science. Science Lessons from Kindergarten to College Level.
"All About Science provides teachers with inspirational science lessons /
demonstrations. Each lesson has been repeatedly tested in numerous classrooms and proven
to create student enthusiasm making science a pleasure for the serious science
- www.america.net/~vila/newzine.html
- Aphelion. The Webzine of Science-Fiction and Fantasy. "A site for the
fledgling writer to hone their skills, collect needed feedback, and place their work
before the public."
- www.shore.net/~dargon -
DargonZine. Electronic magazine of the Dargon Project, an Internet fantasy writing
group. "DargonZine is an electronic magazine that prints original medieval
fantasy stories written by aspiring Internet writers. It is the publication vehicle of the
Dargon Project, a collaborative writing group where authors write in a common milieu,
sharing settings and characters. The project was founded to allow aspiring writers on the
Internet to meet and become better writers through mutual contact and collaboration.
DargonZine only prints stories which take place in this setting. DargonZine is the
successor of FSFnet, which was the Dargon Project's original magazine. Between FSFnet and
DargonZine, we have been continually producing collaborative fantasy ficton since 1985 and
are the longest-running electronic magazine on the Internet."
- www.diac.com/~sting/ - Dreams
and Dragons. "Devoted to bringing you the best up-and-coming writers, Dreams
and Dragons features everything from serious stories to humorous poetry. Come and enjoy.
Submissions encouraged. On the road of life, there are readers and those who get carsick.
Readers wanted."
- www.dubiouspub.com -
Dubious Matter. A magazine of amateur SF, Fantasy and Horror literature.
"Science fiction, fantasy and horror e-zine, with an emphasis on printing original
short fiction by amatuer writers.
- www.interink.com/escape.html
- E-scape. The Digital Journal of Speculative Fiction. "E-scape
publishes, science, fantasy and horror fiction and anything in-between."
- www.planet.net/ptgermine/ - Apokalypso.
Prophecies of the End of Time. "Prophecies, particularly those
concerning the Millennium. The first issue is entitled "The Fall of the Papacy"
and deals with prophecies of Nostradamus, St. Malachy, and others concerning the impending
death of Pope John Paul II, the Church schism which will follow his death, and the
ultimate end of the Vatican as a sovereign monarchy in the year 2000. The second issue,
entitled "The Secrets of Fatima", explains the message given by an apparition of
the Virgin Mary to Portuguese children in 1917, its warning of the coming Church
schism,and its prediction, in the mysterious "Third Secret", of the reign of an
"Antichrist Pope". In the third issue "Moloch!", the imminent
appearance of Antichrist and his path to power, as prophesied by Nostradamus and medieval
seers, is described. The fourth is "The Glory of the Olive Tree", which reveals
the identity of the Antipope destined to succeed John Paul II and his role in the rise of
Antichrist. In the fifth and most recent issue, "In Quest of the Grail", the
bloodline which is destined to produce the False Messiah is explored. Beginning in January
1998, the second series of _Apokalypso_ monographs, entitled "The Year of
Jubilee", will begin."
- www.hsv.tis.net/~sammie -
Astrology: Myth or Fact? The Stars and The Gospel: Questions and Answers on the
History of Astrology. "History of Astrology, astrology through the Bible, the
stars and the gospel, Shirley Ann Miller, former professional astrologer, answers
questions on astrology, the stars and the gospel, Tempera Mysticism, the four temperament
- www.cyberramp.net/~billde/
- The Bruised Reed. Encouragement for the Christian Journey. "Through
Bible studies, scripture readings and devotionals, The Bruised Reed provides encouragement
for the Christian journey."
- www.chabad.org/subscribe.html
- Chabad Headline News. Judaism on the Internet. "Weekly insights to the
Torah Portion as well as "happenings" in the Jewish World."
- www.hnt.com/jp/balance/ -
Balance an online skateboarding presentation. "An online skateboarding
presentation, Balance is a zine-like display of images and words. Most noteworthy are its
photos of pools, bowls, fullpipes, and other good fast skateboard terrain."
- www.cnwl.igs.net/~englslhs/
- CyberSaints. "A student produced and run zine that showcases matters of
student interest and student work."
- www.daybreak.simplenet.com
- Daybreak. A Children's Literary Magazine "Daybreak is by and for kids.
We specialize in book reviews, but have writing and artwork as well. Submit your writing
for publication, or subscribe for free today!"
- www.enterface.org - Enterface
Magazine. youth art culture. "A zine dedicated to artistic teens on the
internet. I know that you're out there. Interviews with web-celebs such as Yoshi from
word.com, Chank from chank.com, Jen Funk... Galleries of teen artists of all kinds: 3d,
pencil, etc... The staff plan on making this zine one of the biggest online during the
next year. Oh yeah, all staff are under age 20 (Dec 31st 1997)."
- www.teaser.fr/~epersonne/english/ezine/titre.htm
- capharnaum. What a mess!!! "This is a zine about arts, movies, comics,
entertainment, musics, games and other related stuffs. There is also a forum section which
allows you to share your point of view with others. Une version francaise est
- www.extracast.com/brain/ -
"Extra" Work for brain surgeons. Finding Work as a Hollywood Extra!
"An in-depth review of the following topics: The Importance of Photos, How to be a
"Stand In", "Call-In" Services, Professionalism, Extras Casting via
the Internet, SCAMS, and much more. The essential information for finding work as a
Hollywood Extra."
- www.womansadvantage.com -
The Business Woman's Advantage Newsletter. For Women with the Entrepreneurial
Spirit. "A monthly, e-mail newsletter about marketing, finance, fashion,
communication, technology, balance, health, and more."
- www.brazenhussies.com - Brazen
Hussies. We're Beth and Sher. We're girls. We just want to have fun. "Brazen
Hussies offer the acid wit of Beth and Sher, who describe themselves as "the kind of
girls you can write home about -- if your family's into gossip, plastic surgery and rock
'n' roll". The site offers the Hussies' unique perspective on everything from
medicine and celebrities to advice for "mere males". Beth and Sher, who claim
their role models include Mae West and Camille Paglia, are dedicated to finding the
answers to world peace and thin thighs (o.k., so they aren't THAT interested in world
peace). The Hussies note: "We believe in the immortal philosophy of Auntie Mame:
'Life is a banquet and most poor suckers are starving to death.'
- www.geocities.com/soho/gallery/4355
- Cookies. Some Girl's Zine. "Cookies is about feminism, opinions, food,
sex, love, hate, and all the things that make life worthwhile, and also make it suck at
the same time."