The author and Lithic Software Corporation assume no liability for the use of this applet.  It is distributed without any warrantee of any type.

This applet and the accompanying images may not be distributed for profit or on CD without the express written consent of the copyright holder. The applet and documentation are Copyright 1998 Lithic Software Corporation, all rights reserved.  Images Copyright John Keogh, who wrote the applet  ( For updates go to:

To use the calendar, create pictures that are 220X140 pixels.  Name them January.jpg, February.jpg, March.jpg, etc. Do not use the pictures that came with the package, they are included for demonstration (all were taken by John Keogh in the Southwestern US).  The aspect ratio of the display, 2:1, is the same aspect ratio as most pictures one takes with a camera, but you will need to resize to 220X140 so that the pictures are displayed properly.  Load the pictures in the same directory as the applet class file, then use the following tag in your html code. If the applets and images are located in a different directory than the web page, you will need to include a codebase modifier.

<APPLET CODE="calendar.class" width=240 height=350>

Please send email to when your calendar is installed.  Eventually, a list of all the sites where this calendar is displayed may be compiled so people can see all the different calendars.

If you have page design or programming needs, please contact Lithic Software Corporation,