



TextMenu is an outstanding, fast-loading free menu applet that allows you to quickly and easily create url menus, both Horizontal and Vertical, without creating additional images. You just write the text and the URL links; when the mouse is over your text, text can change font color, font size and/or background color. If you're looking for a quick and easy method of creating mouseovers, this is it! 

Usage: Download TextMenu.zip and unzip it within your HTML directory. Samples are included! 

Java Source: not available

HTML Source: 

<applet code=TextMenu.class width=150 height=150>

<param name="TextToDisplay"

value="Java Boutique;Java News;Java FAQs;Java Sun">

<param name="URLtoDisplay" 




<param name="Position" value="Vertical">

<param name="FontSize" value=16>

<param name="FontSize2" value=20>

<param name="bgCOLOR1" value="240,240,200">

<param name="bgCOLOR2" value="0,0,255">

<param name="textCOLOR1" value="0,0,0">

<param name="textCOLOR2" value="0,255,0">

<param name="FontStyle" value="BOLD">

<param name="FontStyle2" value="BOLDandITALIC">

<param name="Target" value="_blank;_blank;_blank;_blank">

<param name="FontName" value="TimesRoman">

<param name="Author" value="George Eleftheriou">

<param name="Email" value="gele@egnatia.ee.auth.gr">
