WWW.alz.org - The
Alzheimer's Association is your source for information, support and assistance on issues
related to Alzheimer's disease. To learn more about the services and programs available in
your area, please explore the information on this site or contact your local chapter
of the Alzheimer's Association.
WWW.cdc.gov - The Centers
for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), located in Atlanta, Georgia, USA, is an agency
of the Department of Health and Human Services.
WWW.stroke.org - The Stroke Center Network, the latest program
offered by the National Stroke Association, is an alliance of clinicians, researchers, and
health care professionals who are committed to developing centers of excellence for stroke
management. The Stroke Center Network offers services that are focused on education,
support and collaboration. The Network strives to improve practical knowledge of stroke,
decrease the incidence of stroke and improve outcome when stroke occurs.
WWW.ccfa.org - Welcome to
the Crohn's & Colitis Foundation of America's Web Site! We offer the most
comprehensive information about inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) on the Internet. While we
do ask that you register, this is a free site -- there is no charge to access this
WWW.aafp.org - The
American Academy of Family Physicians (AAFP) is a national non-profit medical association
of more than 84,000 family doctors, family practice residents, and medical students. This
Web site includes thousands of pages of information about family practice, most of which
are available to anyone within the site's public section: Family Medicine Online.
WWW.ama-assn.org - The
American Medical Association Web Site. AMA's work includes the development and
promotion of standards in medical practice, research, and education; strong advocacy
agenda on behalf of patients and physicians; and the commitment to providing accurate,
timely information and discourse on matters important to the health of American. The AMA
strives to serve as the voice of the American medical profession. Being that voice is our
WWW.eyenet.org - The
American Academy of Ophthalmology Web Site. Mission: To achieve accessible,
appropriate and affordable eye care for the public by serving the educational and
professional needs of ophthalmologists
believes the responsibility for medical care belongs first and foremost to physicians and
patients. We affirm the right of the physician, as the provider of care, to diagnose,
prescribe, test and treat patients without undue outside interference. We affirm the right
of the patient, as the person most affected by care, to choose his or her own physician
and help determine the type of treatment received.
WWW.autism-society.org - The
mission of the Autism Society of America is to promote lifelong access and opportunities
for persons within the autism spectrum and their families, to be fully included,
participating members of their communities through advocacy, public awareness, education,
and research related to autism.
WWW.cellsalive.com - Quill
Graphics represents over 20 years of experience capturing film and computer-enhanced
images of living cells and organisms for education and medical research. Now, Tabb
Sullivan DBA Biology in Motion, adds 3D computer animation of biological processes to the
mix. With degrees in biology, we both bring knowledge and understanding of the science.
WWW.diabetes.org - Official site of
the American Diabetes Association.
WWW.eatright.org - This
information is provided as a public service by The American Dietetic Association and the
information is not intended to replace medical advice. Individuals should contact a
Registered Dietitian to answer food and nutrition-related questions or for nutrition
WWW.ada.org - The American Dental
Association. ADAPCO's mission is to produce and distribute, at a profit, credible,
high quality publications that enhance the ADA’s image and inform the dental
profession about the latest scientific, socioeconomic and political issues affecting oral
health care.
WWW.cancer.org - No matter who
you are, we can help. The American Cancer Society offers a variety of programs to care for
those in need...and to prevent others from ever needing our services.
WWW.arthritis.org - The
mission of the Arthritis Foundation is to support research to find the cure for and
prevention of arthritis and to improve the quality of life for those affected by
WWW.amhrt.org - The American
heart Association. Here you'll find the most comprehensive information on heart
disease and stroke as well as late breaking news.
WWW.bmj.com - The BMJ aims to
help doctors everywhere practise better medicine and to influence the debate on health. To
achieve these aims we publish original scientific studies, review and educational
articles, and papers commenting on the clinical, scientific, social, political, and
economic factors affecting health. We are delighted to receive articles for publication in
all of these categories - from doctors and others.
WWW.crossnet.org - Welcome
to the American Red Cross Website. The Red Cross helps keep people safe—every
day as well as in an emergency—thanks to caring people who support our work in the
community. Please support your local Red Cross.
WWW.aap.org - The American
Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) and its member pediatricians dedicate their efforts and
resources to the health, safety and well-being of infants, children, adolescents and young
adults. The Academy has 53,000 members in the United States, Canada and Latin America.
Over 34,000 of them are board-certified and called Fellows of the American Academy of
Pediatrics (FAAP).
WWW.efa.org - The Epilepsy
Foundation is supported almost entirely by private donations, primarily from members of
the public. Founded in 1968, the Foundation's national office is in Landover, MD, a suburb
of Washington, DC. The Foundation's network of over 60 affiliated organizations offers
services in 125 communities nationwide.
WWW.health.org - The National
Clearinghouse for Alcohol and Drug InformationPREVLINE, an award winning web resource,
offers electronic access to searchable databases and substance abuse prevention materials
that pertain to alcohol, tobacco, and drugs
WWW.docguide.com - Doctor's
Guide to the Internet is brought to you by P\S\L Consulting Group Inc. an organisation
dedicated to providing the information and information services most likely to help
promote the informed and appropriate use of medicines by health care professionals and
organisations as well as by the people to whom they are prescribed. To this end, Doctor's
Guide was designed to help physicians cost-effectively harness the resources of the
Internet and the World Wide Web
WWW.aamft.org - Marriage and
Family Therapists (MFTs) are mental health professionals trained in psychotherapy and
family systems, and licensed to diagnose and treat mental and emotional disorders within
the context of marriage, couples and family systems.
WWW.lupusca.org - Lupus
Foundation of America, Inc. Mission: Provide information, education and referral for
those affected by lupus and to promote the development and enhancement of health and
social welfare services at the local level to assist individuals suffering from lupus;
•Promote public education to increase knowledge and understanding of the disease and
its ramifications; •Encourage support of research programs related to the diagnosis,
treatment, cure and prevention of lupus; •Promote the exchange of information among
health care professionals and collaborate with the professional community to improve the
standards of diagnosis, care and treatment of those affected by lupus.
WWW.nof.org - The National
Osteoporosis Foundation (NOF) is America's leading resource for people seeking up-to-date,
medically sound information on the causes, prevention, detection and treatment of
osteoporosis. Our first and foremost mission is to reduce the widespread prevalence of
osteoporosis by providing you with useful information, support and guidance.
WWW.nejm.org - The New England
Journal of Medicine On-line now offers subscribers access to full text plus several
additional features. The Journal On-line continues to offer to all users many selections
from the Journal, including abstracts of all scientific articles. The abstracts of
Original Articles (reports of original clinical research) and Special Articles (reports of
research on health policy) are available on-line, along with the names and institutional
affiliations of the authors.
WWW.psoriasis.org - Welcome
to the National Psoriasis Foundation/USA. We are a membership organization comprised
of people who have psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis, their family members, friends,
physicians, nurses, researchers and corporations.
WWW.newsfile.com - AIDS Weekly
Plus, Antiviral Weekly, Blood Weekly, Cancer Weekly Plus, Disease Weekly Plus, Gene
Therapy Weekly, Hepatitis Weekly, Health Letter on the CDC, Malaria & Tropical Disease
Weekly, Tuberculosis & Airborne Disease Weekly and Vaccine Weekly
HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES is the United States government's principal agency for
protecting the health of all Americans and providing essential human services, especially
for those who are least able to help themselves. THE DEPARTMENT INCLUDES MORE THAN 300
PROGRAMS including: •Medical and social science research •Preventing outbreak of
infectious disease, including immunization services •Assuring food and drug safety
•Medicare (health insurance for elderly and disabled Americans) and Medicaid (health
insurance for low-income people) •Financial assistance for low-income families
•Child support enforcement •Improving maternal and infant health •Head
Start (pre-school education and services) •Preventing child abuse and domestic
violence •Substance abuse treatment and prevention •Services for older
Americans, including home-delivered meals.
WWW.samhsa.gov - Welcome to SAMHSA's
World-Wide Web Home Page. SAMHSA's mission is to assure that quality substance abuse and
mental health services are available to the people who need them and to ensure that
prevention and treatment knowledge is used more effectively in the general health care
WWW.druginfonet.com - Drug
InfoNet is your one-stop WWW site for all your healthcare informational needs. We provide
both information and links to areas on the web concerning healthcare and
pharmaceutical-related topics. This free service is brought to you to improve your
education as consumers and healthcare professionals.
WWW.mayo.edu - Mayo is a team practice
of medicine enhanced by medical education and research. Almost 400,000 patients a year
come to its outpatient clinics and hospitals in five states. The three shields of
Mayo’s logo depict the three missions of Mayo - patient care, research and education,
with patient care foremost but interdependent with the other two.
WWW.bio.umass.edu - Academic
Departments in the Biological Sciences at the University of Massachusetts Amherst.
WWW.queendom.com - Welcome to the
Body-Mind QueenDom, the perfect place for some serious entertainment. This site offers a
variety of personality, intelligence and health-related tests, plenty of personal stories
and advice columns, numerous articles on mental and women's health and much more. If you
want to learn about yourself and grow, this is the spot for you.
WWW.sagemagic.com - SAGEMAGIC
is a counselor-run site for Self-Actualization Growth Education and for achieving Meaning,
Adventure, Growth, Integrity and Contentment in each major area of life: Work, Play,
Personal, Interpersonal and Spiritual. They're the main elements that lead to
self-actualization and a sense of MAGIC. SAGEMAGIC offers free, counselor-monitored,
interactive discussion areas for sharing and receiving help, insights, options, tips,
suggestions and support with others who have similar issues, interests, concerns and
objectives in life.