Expanded company detail page which is designed
for local marketing - Includes:
- Company
info, brief bio of company, products and services, etc.
- Company
logo or picture of storefront placement.
- Hours
of operation, Directions, additional contact info, etc.
- Links
to internal web pages or additional information.
- Please
visit this address to see a live example: www.planetflorida.net/intrinsic
This feature is not available to non-members
You will receive exclusive access into the password
protected Business Support
Center on Planetdeland.com - What’s inside?
- Local
marketing tips and free search engine submission tools.
- Access
to interface for free classified ad submissions (see
# 3)
- Access
to interface to submit coupons (see # 6)
- Online
contest details.
- Access
to interface and instruction on how to place an event
into our online local event calendar.
This feature is not available to non-members
The ability to place unlimited ads in
our new
Classifieds section.
example categories: Help Wanted, Merchandise For Sale,
Auto Sales, Real Estate For Sale, etc.
Non-members = $5.00 per ad
The ability to display (1) item for sale in our
Plant Florida Store
- T-shirts, gift baskets, etc.
Non-members = $15 per month
Participation in our Gift Certificate Program
- Please ask for more details
Non-members = $50 per year service fee
Placement of coupon in our Online Coupon Section
- Please ask for more details
Non-members = $15 per month
You will receive an additional (5) directory listings
(8 total)
This feature is not available to non-members
Free listing in our printed issue of the West
Volusia Business Web Directory (Distributed in
Nov, 04)
10% Discount on banner advertising on Planetflorida.net
This feature is not available to non-members
Ability to submit an article to our “Tips
and Advice” section that pertains to your company’s
- Great for marketing your business and getting extra
This feature is not available to non-members
Featured for 8 weeks in the special “New
Listings” section online and in our monthly newsletter.
- We currently have over 5000 local email addresses on
our email disbursement list.
This feature is not available to non-members
Inclusion of 15 search words
These key words will help viewers find you throughout
the directory.
This feature is not available to non-members