Whether your interest is bird-watching or business, writing or woodworking, its a good bet West Volusia has a civic organization, club or support group where you can share your interest with others, and meet new friends. Although most groups listed here welcome members and visitors of all ages, its often older folks who are the most active. The value of their services to the West Volusia community is enormous. This listing provides current information about the clubs, along with contact numbers. This information may change, and it's best to call the contact number before attending a meeting. |
Ballroom Dancers Association,
United States Ameteur 386-775-7881 |
Bagpipers, Glencoe Highlanders (407) 646-8588 |
Band Parent Association-DeLand
High School DeLand - 822-6500 |
Beta Sigma Phi DeLand - 386-736-1020 |
Birth Experience Inc DeLand - 775-9442 |
Boat Parade Association, St.
Johns River DeLand - 734-9090 |
Boys & Girls Club of
Volusia County, Inc 840 Deltona Blvd Suite B Deltona Fl 32728 - 860-5004 |
Boy Scouts of America DeLand - 788-3313 Lake Helen - 228-2515 Deltona - 789-5671 Deltona - Boy Scout Troop 241 - 574-0529 Deltona - Boy Scout Troop 310 - 860-2977 Deltona - Boy Scout Troop 312 - 328-8418 Deltona - Boy Scout Troop 565 - 789-5294 Deltona - Cub Scout Pack 310 - 574-6816 WWW.bsa.scouting.org |
Bridge Club (Meets Monday evenings and afternoons Tusedays through Saturdays, 165 Deerfoot Rd) DeLand - 738-3222 or 734-7170 |
Brotherhood of Temple Shalom Deltona - 574-8895 |
Brownie Troop 482 (Girl
Scouts) WWW.gsusa.org |
Building Industries
Association DeLand - East Florida - 734-7935 |
Bulldog Boosters, Inc.-DeLand
High School |
Business Professional
Women DeLand - 734-1267 (Meets the third Thursday of each month at the homes of the members) Athens of Florida - 386-943-8330 (Meets the first and third Thursday, Woodland Towers, 113 Chipola Ave Optional Lunch $7) Four Townes - 775-8878 (Meets second Thursday at DeLand Country Club, 2289 Country Club Drive; fourth Thursday at Olive Garden Italian Resturaunt 2530 Enterprise Road, Orange City.) |
Button Club of Central
Florida (Meets first Thursday, Westminister Presbyterian Church, 1313 W New York Ave) DeLand - 734-6258 |
by: TINKER GRAPHICS ![]() tink@planetusofa.com |
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