Whether your interest is
bird-watching or business, writing or woodworking, its a good bet West
Volusia has a civic organization, club or support group where you can
share your interest with others, and meet new friends. Although most
groups listed here welcome members and visitors of all ages, its often
older folks who are the most active. The value of their services to the
West Volusia community is enormous. This listing provides current
information about the clubs, along with contact numbers. This
information may change, and it's best to call the contact number before
attending a meeting.
La Leche League (Meets second Thursday and third Tuesdays at various locations) DeLand - 736-7376 |
Lake Beresford Yacht
DeLand - 407-734-3854 |
Ladies of Lake Beresford Yacht
(Meets for lunch the second Thursday, Lake Beresford Yacht Club ) DeLand - 407-332-8736 |
Lake McGarity Homeowners
Association 532-2518 |
Lake Winnemissett
Civic Association
DeLand - 736-4434 |
Laughter Society 386-985-0574 |
Landmark Lodge, F&AM #383 574-8296 |
Legion Post 127 Lake
Helen-Cassadaga Lake Helen - 228-3640 WWW.legion.org |
League of
Women Voters
DeLand - 238-7361 (Meets second Thursday, Hugh Ash Manor 740 N Woodland Blvd, Contact: 524 S Beach St, Box A, Daytona Beach FL 32114) Deltona - 258-7725 |
L.E.A. and the L.A.P.M. (Meets first Wednesdays , 225 S Florida Ave, DeLand) 386-985-4985 |
Leukemia Society of America 407-898-0733 |
Life Underwriters,
DeLand Association DeLand - 738-5710 |
Lions Club
DeLand - 738-3646 (Meets the second and fourth Tuesday, Lions Den, 400 N Garfield Ave, Deland) Orange City - 775-4606 (Meets first and third wednesdays, Lions Den, 200 W Graves Ave, Orange City) DeLeon Springs - 985-2011 (Meets second and fourth Thursdays, Lions Den, 4949 Billings St, DeLeon Springs) Pierson - 749-2499 (Meets first and third Mondays at the clubhouse on First Avenue, Pierson) Deltona - 574-3025 WWW.lions.org |
L.I.F.T ( Living Information
for Today) (Meets for lunch the third Wednesday, The Cloisters, 400 E Howry Ave, DeLand Reservations Required) 888-445-LIFT |
Little League Baseball 386-734-8383 |
by: TINKER GRAPHICS ![]() tink@planetusofa.com |
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