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Accommodations - Airports - Attractions - Automobile License Plates - Automobile Title and Insurance - Chamber of Commerce - Churches - Citizenship - Civic Organizations - Climate - Doctors and Dentists - Driver's License - Emergencies - Employment - Fire Protection - Health Department - Hospitals - Industry - Library - Licenses (Hunting and Fishing) - Newspapers - Police - Radio Stations - Schools (DeLand Area) - School Registration - Social Security Information - Taxes - Television - Transportation - Utilities - Veteran Services

More than 30 motels, hotels and bed & breakfast inns with over 1,000 guest rooms and some 1,500 campground sites await travelers visiting the DeLand - West Volusia Area.
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The DeLand Municipal Airport / Sidney Taylor Field in the northeast section of the city accommodates private and charter aircraft. The airport is home to Skydive DeLand, one of the world's leading skydiving centers, and the adjacent industrial park is headquarters for several small and large manufacturers and processors. Daytona Beach International Airport, 20 miles east of DeLand via U.S. 92 or I-4, and Orlando International Airport, 50 miles south, provide air service worldwide. Other local airports include the Orlando / Sanford Airport located at 1 Red Cleveland Blvd. Sanford, Florida.
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Beautiful state and local parks, the St. Johns River and sparkling springs, and Stetson University are local landmarks. Disney World, EPCOT Center, Disney-MGM Studios, Universal Studios, Sea World, Silver Springs, St. Augustine and world-famous beaches at Daytona Beach and New Smyrna Beach are among attractions an hour or less from DeLand. Kennedy Space Center, Busch Gardens, Cypress Gardens and many more are less than two hours away.
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Automobile License Plates
License plates are issued prior to the vehicle owner's birthday for a 12 month period. Florida will honor a license plate from another state until that state's expiration date. (Exceptions: If you are in business in Florida, have children in Florida public schools, or have a homestead exemption on your home, you must secure a Florida license for your car within ten days. This requirement does not apply to those on active duty in the U.S. Armed Forces stationed in Florida.)

Auto license fees are classified according to vehicle weight. Proof of personal injury or liability insurance and the vehicle's old registration form must be presented when purchasing new tags. License tags for mobile homes, effective Feb. 1 through Jan. 31, and auto tags may be obtained at the Volusia County Finance Dept., 123 W. Indiana Ave., DeLand 386-736-5936 or at 2744 Enterprise Road, Orange City, 386-775-5250. Within ten days of establishing a residence in Florida, you must apply for a Florida Vehicle Certificate of Title and buy a license tag for your automobile.
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Automobile Title and Insurance
Florida is a title law state. When one becomes a legal resident of the state, you should secure a Florida Title Certificate. If there is a chattel mortgage or lien on the vehicle, it should be recorded on the title certificate. The certificate may be obtained at the Volusia County Finnance Department, 123 W. Indiana Avenue, DeLand. Florida has both "financial responsibility" and no-fault insurance laws. These laws are explained in the official Florida Driver's Handbook, available at the Chamber, Florida Welcome Stations, Highway Patrol offices, city police stations and the Volusia County Finance Department. If a vehicle owner anticipates driving in Florida for 90 days or more in a single year, it is advisable to discuss auto insurance with a licensed Florida insurance agent.
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Chamber of Commerce
The DeLand Area Chamber of Commerce is located at 336 N. Woodland Blvd in downtown DeLand. The Chamber also serves as headquarters for the West Volusia Committee of 100. Chamber offices are open Monday through Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. except certain holidays. (386) 734-4331 - Fax (386) 734-4333. The West Volusia Tourism Authority can be reached at (386) 736-0575 or (800) 749-4350.
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Churches & Houses of Worship
More than 150 churches represent leading denominations in the DeLand area.
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Cities of West Volusia County
Of the six incorporated cities in West Volusia County, two were born within the past five years, placing them among Florida's newest municipalities. DeBary officially became a city on December 31, 1994 while the City of Deltona came into being in late 1995. Each of the others -- DeLand, ORange City, Lake Helen and Pierson - date back more than 100 years.
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A person wishing to become a legal resident of Florida may file a Declaration of Domicile in the office of the Clerk of the Circuit Court, located in the County Courthouse in downtown DeLand. (386) 822-5760
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Civic Organizations
Approximately 150 civic and service organizations serve the DeLand area.
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Mean annual temperature, 71 degrees F; average humidity, 56%; average annual rainfall, 55 inches. (Most rainy days in Florida amount to afternoon showers.)
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Doctors and Dentists
More than 150 physicians, over 20 dentists and eight optometrists serve the DeLand area. Medical specialties include audiology, dermatology, gynecology-obstetrics, internal medicine, orthodontics, ophthalmology, pediatrics, plastic surgery, psychiatry, pathology, neurology and urology.
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Driver's License
Anyone operating a motor vehicle in Florida must have a valid driver's license. If you move to Florida and have a valid license from another state, you must get a Florida license within 30 days of becoming a resident. Persons operating motorcycles are required to have a motorcycle endorsement on the Florida license. DeLand area residents may take the driver's examination at the Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles - 709 S. Woodland Boulevard. Examinations are by appointment; call 736-5332, or you may walk in. The new license fee is $20 and renewals are $15. Driver's licenses are valid for four or six years. First-time and renewal applicants who have a conviction-free record for the past three years may obtain a six-year license by passing required examinations. (904) 736-5325
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In case of a fire, medical or police emergency, dial 9-1-1
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Jobs & Benefits, State of Florida (state employment offices) and the Florida Unemployment Compensation office are located at the Woodland Plaza Shopping Center, 1380 S. Woodland Boulevard in DeLand. Telephone (386) 736-5335 for help in finding employment and (386) 736-5340 for unemployment compensation assistance and information.
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Fire Protection
DeLand's main fire station is located at 201 W. Howry Avenue. This fully-equipped facility is staffed by 24 full-time firefighters and four volunteers. Mutual aid agreements exist among DeLand, Volusia County and surrounding communities. DeLand's insurance rating is class 5 (ISO).
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Health Department
The offices of the Volusia County Health Department are at the Woodland Plaza shopping center, 1380 S. Woodland Blvd. DeLand. (386) 822-6215
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Florida Hospital DeLand is located at 701 W. Plymouth Avenue in DeLand and Florida Hospital Fish Memorial is at 1055 Saxon Blvd. in Orange City. Florida Hospital DeLand has 156 beds plus 19 pediatric bassinets, a 24-hour emergency room, and a staff of 150 affiliated doctors and 760 supporting personnel. Florida Hospital Fish Memorial has 97 beds, a 24-hour outpatient clinic, cardiac cath lab and a staff of 242 affiliated doctors and more than 700 support personnel. Both are fully accredited acute-care hospitals.
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Approximately 4,500 of our residents work in manufacturing and related businesses in the DeLand Area with annual payrolls of well over $100 million. Products include pharmaceuticals, electronics, filtration systems, plastics, wood cabinets, printed business forms and citrus products among others. A list of manufacturers, processor and distributors is available for a nominal fee at the DeLand Area Chamber of Commerce. Click here for more info.
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The DeLand Public Library, 130 E. Howry Ave, provides thousands of volumes of books and magazines, films, videotapes, books on tape, public access computers and inter-library loan service through which nearly any publication can be obtained. (386) 822-6430
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Licenses (Hunting And Fishing)
Hunters and fisherman between the ages of 16 and 64 must have a license. To qualify for a resident's license, you must have lived in Florida for one year and in Volusia County for six months. A license stamp is required for hunting in designated management areas. Contact the Volusia County Finance Department, 123 W. Indiana Avenue, DeLand. Telephone (386) 736-5937.
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The DeLand Beacon (Bi-Weekly), P.O. Box 2397, 121 W. Wisconsin Ave., DeLand, 734-4622; The News-Journal (Daily), 111 S. Alabama Ave, 734-1551; and Orlando Sentinel (Daily), 505 E. New York Avenue, DeLand, 822-6801 and 2730 Enterprise Rd., Suite A, Orange City, 851-7900.
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The DeLand Police Department has 63 sworn officers, 23 non-sworn and eight reserve officers plus a complement of 24 support staff members. The Volusia County Sheriff's Department has 590 personnel, including 334 sworn officers.
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Radio Stations
WNDA-AM (1490); WYND-AM (1310); WOCL-FM (105.9)
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Schools (DeLand Area)
DeLand High School; DeLand Middle School and Southwestern Middle School; six elementary schools; several private schools; Duvall Home for retarded and exceptional persons; Stetson University, a four-year, co-ed institution with enrollment of 2,000 undergraduate students; Daytona Beach Community College - West Campus. Catalogs and other information available at the Chamber of Commerce.
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School Registration
Enrollment of a child in Florida public schools for the first time involves certain requirements. For information, contact Volusia County School Board, 200 N. Clara Avenue, DeLand, FL 32720. Telephone 734-7190.
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Social Security Information
Located at 1706 S. Woodland Boulevard in DeLand. Call 734-8300 for appointment; call 800-772-1213 for info.
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Florida has no state personal income tax. Real estate taxes are levied by cities, counties and school districts and, in some cases, special taxing districts. Taxes are based on 100% fair market valuation of business and residential properties. Taxes on personal residences may be reduced by Homestead. Widow's and/or Disability Exemptions, depending on the owner's individual status. Exemption forms are available at the office of the Volusia County Property Appraiser, 123 W. Indiana Ave. in DeLand. Homeowners who have claimed Homestead Exemptions in prior years are mailed a renewal form shortly after the first of each year. The form need be returned only if there is a change of status.
Homestead exemption: To be eligible for a $25,000 Homestead Exemption, homeowners must have owned and occupied the property described as their permanent legal Florida residence prior to January 1.
Widow's Exemption. This additional $500 exemption requires that a widow not be remarried as of January 1. When a window remarries, she should contact the Property Appraiser's office.
Disability Exemption: To be eligible, a person must have been disabled on January 1 for one of the following reasons: 1)blind, 2) a veteran disabled for 10% or more by war or service-connected misfortune, or 3) a permanent resident totally and permanently disabled. 

Contact the Volusia County Property Appraiser's office for details on all exemptions. Telephone 736-5901.
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WESH-TV, Channel 2 (NBC); WKMG-TV, Channel 6 (CBS); WFTV, Channel 9 (ABC); WCEU-TV, Channel 15 (PBS); WKCF-TV, Channel 18 (Warner Bros. Network); WMFE-TV, Channel 24 (PBS); WOFL-TV, Channel 35 (FOX); WRBW-TV, Channel 65 (UPN), Time-Warner Communications serves the DeLand area with nearly 60 cable TV channels.
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VOTRAN inter- and intra-city bus service; AMTRAK at DeLand; Greyhound; Taxi service; Rental car agencies; St. Johns River navigable to Jacksonville; Major Trucking lines; Charter air service at DeLand Airport; Daytona Beach International Airport, 20 miles east of DeLand and Orlando International Airport, 50 miles south of DeLand.
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Electricity - Florida Power Corp.; Natural Gas - Florida Public Utilities; Telephone - Bellsouth (DeLand Area) and Sprint (Orange City - Lake Helen).
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Veteran Services
Volusia County Department of Veterans Affairs, 123 W. Indiana Ave. DeLand. Telephone (386) 740-5102.
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