VBPro QuickStart Guide

This QuickStart quide will help you get up and running with your copy of VisitorBook Pro 1.0.0 from Command-O Software! This document assumes that VBPro has already been installed. If this is not the case, consult the VBPro Documentation for detailed information on first-time setups.

Using the Master Program
VisitorBook pro lets you set up as few or as many individual guestbooks as you want! The Master Program lets you (the administrator) easily add, modify, and delete guestbooks from your system.

To log in to the program, go to Masterlogin Next type in the information in the form.

You will see three options. All are fairly self-explanitory. When you create a VisitorBook (our cool term for a guestbook), you will be asked to select a template. For now, you can just use the standard template. Later, you can edit options and the look and feel of this book using the Edit a VisitorBook function.

Also, when you create a new book and it asks for path information, you can safely just leave the default paths and create the book (though pay attention to where these paths are, for that is where your cook is created.)

The Master program takes care of everything when you create a new book -- it will automatically make a form that will work with the new book, and it generates a thank you page for your users after they sign the book.

In the Edit a VisitorBook mode, you will see two templates whose functions are not obvious: the Book HTML and the Entry Template. The Entry Template is the HTML that will be repeased for every entry, substituting in the entry information. In a Standard guestbook, this template is composed of a few rows of a table. The Book HTML contains everything that surrounds the entries. In a Standard guestbook, the Book HTML template is a basic HTML page with the skeleton of a table.

Using the User Screen
The user screen is very similar to the Master screen, though it has a crucial difference: it can only be used on one book. This means to log in (using the userlogin form), you need a book id (the ID of a book in the system) and the corresponding password.

Once you (or your user) has logged in, he or she will be able to edit the book as well as process entries. Additionally, this is where entries requiring approval (set by an option on the Edit VisitorBook screen) and approved or deleted.