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Full Name: Martina Wetmore
Home Page: None.
Date and Time: 10/6/2001, 7:25 AM
Comments: I never would have come to your restaurant if I hadn't seen your link on the West Volusia Humane Society's page.
Full Name: Helen Albertson
Home Page: None.
Date and Time: 8/7/2001, 8:10 PM
Comments: August 7, 2001

Dear Sir:

The “Daytona 200 Motorcycle Club” (AMA Sanctioned)US HWY 92, Daytona Beach, Fl (386-252-2132) has committed itself to sponsor the “THE FUN RIDE FOR KIDS” on September 23, 2001. This run will benefit “Our Children First” which provides services such as Case Management, Counseling and “A Child’s Dream”.

Thanks to the donations from the businesses in the community (such as yourself) the previous “A Child’s Dream” benefit run in 1999 exceeded everyone’s expectations by raising over $ 9,000. This enabled us to help fulfill the wishes of children in our community that had been diagnosed with terminal illnesses.

We hope you will show us your support by making a charitable donation in the form of a gift certificate or merchandise that we may use as a door prizes, auction and/or raffle. Your donation will take us one step closer to achieving or surpassing our goal.

Please mail any donations to: Helen Albertson
2070 Avocado Drive
Daytona Beach, Fl 32124

Thanking you in advance we remain

Sincerely Yours


**Our Children First**
517-519 So. Ridgewood Ave
Daytona Beach, Fl 32114
Victoria McGuirk, APR
Tax Exempt # 74-06-075408-60C
Full Name: Harvey Spears
Home Page: None.
Date and Time: 5/26/2001, 9:38 PM
Comments: Good luck--- your food is wonderful, We will be back soon.

Many thanks Harvey Spears ---Eustis ,Florida
Full Name: Chris(Sr. and Jr.), Julie, and Lori Lemoine
Home Page: None.
Date and Time: 8/6/2000, 6:06 PM
Comments: Yeah Hunters!!!!!