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Full Name: Maggie
Home Page: None.
Date and Time: 6/5/2001, 2:18 AM
Comments: Miss You all very much
Full Name: Casondra Stridacchio
Home Page:
Date and Time: 4/18/2001, 9:36 AM
Comments: Your store looks great and the prices are awsome.i hope you will like mine.....
Full Name: Maggie Langford
Home Page: None.
Date and Time: 3/4/2001, 11:02 PM
Comments: Hi All!!!! Miss You
Full Name: Pat Bellanca
Home Page: None.
Date and Time: 9/27/2000, 11:39 AM
Comments: looking for cherry dinning room set. Also looking for cherry four poster bed.
Full Name: Brenda Schneider
Home Page: None.
Date and Time: 5/20/2000, 9:33 PM
Comments: I came to town from Mims and was looking for the perfect gift for a dear friend of mine. I have searched and searched, then while I was shopping in the Food Lion in the same complex as your I just happend to see some of the items in your store window that caught my eye. I came in and found that perfect gift I have been searching for. Thank you. I do have to admit it was hard leaving so many beautiful thing behind, and I just want you to know that when I come back your way I will stop in again and tell all my friend about your store.
Thanks again,
Brenda Schneider
Full Name: Maggie Langford
Home Page: None.
Date and Time: 4/20/2000, 2:03 PM
Comments: I love the items at Isadora's, I have looked and searched the world over.....your store is the only place I have found
Full Name: R.J.Vrabec
Home Page: None.
Date and Time: 3/16/2000, 3:59 PM
Comments: In town visiting from Ft. Lauderdale, and my Mom brought
me in to see your store!
Loved it!
Home Page: None.
Date and Time: 11.13.99, 11:42 PM