Week of 10/26/2008 to 11/1/2008: Top 50 of 415 Referring Sites

Sorted by Access Count

Rank Referring Site Accesses % Bytes %
1 http://www.planetdeland.com 38,152 81.66 643,216,043 78.99
2 http://planetdeland.com 2,864 6.13 16,404,581 2.01
3 http://search.live.com 1,214 2.60 17,206,265 2.11
4 http://www.planetflorida.net 723 1.55 1,987,353 0.24
5 http://www.google.com 643 1.38 38,791,975 4.76
6 http://www.wonleerestaurant.com 180 0.39 10,746,473 1.32
7 http://search.yahoo.com 179 0.38 10,939,037 1.34
8 http://www.stjohnsrivercampground.com 174 0.37 195,464 0.02
9 168 0.36 1,599,977 0.20
10 http://www.deland.org 130 0.28 438,750 0.05
11 http://images.google.com 113 0.24 3,072,149 0.38
12 http://www.hpfishcamp.com 103 0.22 111,942 0.01
13 http://www.herbsbymerlin.com 97 0.21 107,796 0.01
14 http://profile.myspace.com 87 0.19 3,777,377 0.46
15 http://www.orangetreeinn.net 79 0.17 257,750 0.03
16 http://jcslobsterpot.com 67 0.14 220,176 0.03
17 http://www.jerrysbodyshopinc.com 66 0.14 235,004 0.03
18 http://www.compulsiveoutdoors.com 59 0.13 197,548 0.02
19 http://search.msn.com 55 0.12 1,674,258 0.21
20 http://wonleerestaurant.com 50 0.11 1,857,027 0.23
21 http://www.gokartinfo.com 48 0.10 60,808 0.01
22 http://www.delandchamber.org 41 0.09 50,557 0.01
23 http://deland.org 41 0.09 195,141 0.02
24 http://www.hontooncso.com 41 0.09 85,496 0.01
25 http://www.briterhomerepair.com 38 0.08 754,213 0.09
26 http://klaudunia-alunia.bloog.pl 37 0.08 1,576,564 0.19
27 http://abtokpah.com 31 0.07 6,727 0.00
28 http://abtokpah.net 30 0.06 6,510 0.00
29 http://05pricep.ru 29 0.06 6,293 0.00
30 http://vitamaks.ru 29 0.06 6,293 0.00
31 http://www.jcslobsterpot.com 27 0.06 85,456 0.01
32 http://www.beacononlinenews.com 27 0.06 129,202 0.02
33 http://www.weblo.com 26 0.06 1,171,534 0.14
34 http://paris-hilton-95.blog.onet.pl 25 0.05 1,135,223 0.14
35 http://hactmike.livejournal.com 23 0.05 955,943 0.12
36 http://www.cassadaga.com 22 0.05 229,884 0.03
37 http://www.abcsearchengine.com 20 0.04 133,140 0.02
38 http://www.deltonabarbershop.com 20 0.04 61,505 0.01
39 http://www.ask.com 19 0.04 153,051 0.02
40 http://herbsbymerlin.com 18 0.04 22,112 0.00
41 http://www.google.co.uk 18 0.04 2,497,175 0.31
42 http://deltonabarbershop.com 17 0.04 50,906 0.01
43 http://www.ucew.org 17 0.04 83,124 0.01
44 15 0.03 218,221 0.03
45 http://www.myspace.com 14 0.03 569,601 0.07
46 14 0.03 182,994 0.02
47 http://www.whois.sc 14 0.03 39,066 0.00
48 http://images.google.pl 13 0.03 657,056 0.08
49 http://aolsearch.aol.com 12 0.03 131,543 0.02
50 http://stjohnsrivercampground.com 12 0.03 13,820 0.00