Week of 10/26/2008 to 11/1/2008: Top 46 of 46 File Types (Extensions)

Sorted by Access Count

Individual file types as determined by file extensions. All URLs that do not contain an extension are counted as directories.

Rank Type Accesses % Bytes %
1 jpg 24,032 37.28 653,018,215 56.22
2 Directory (folder) 13,344 20.70 85,370,893 7.35
3 htm 12,060 18.71 97,417,831 8.39
4 gif 11,320 17.56 57,829,874 4.98
5 html 1,696 2.63 11,855,611 1.02
6 GIF 453 0.70 4,901,576 0.42
7 cgi 381 0.59 1,345,590 0.12
8 mid 270 0.42 2,221,279 0.19
9 JPG 270 0.42 8,338,624 0.72
10 txt 260 0.40 144,918,629 12.48
11 pdf 86 0.13 2,912,906 0.25
12 dat 76 0.12 61,891,444 5.33
13 ram 39 0.06 2,262 0.00
14 php 36 0.06 69,227 0.01
15 com 21 0.03 4,516 0.00
16 js 18 0.03 171,514 0.01
17 css 12 0.02 1,896 0.00
18 sht 10 0.02 20 0.00
19 10 0.02 977 0.00
20 mv 8 0.01 379 0.00
21 swf 5 0.01 6,321,191 0.54
22 class 5 0.01 21,628 0.00
23 UT 4 0.01 686 0.00
24 psd 4 0.01 101,502 0.01
25 HTM 3 0.00 2,184 0.00
26 PSD 3 0.00 785,935 0.07
27 hts 3 0.00 105 0.00
28 pl 2 0.00 0 0.00
29 cdr 2 0.00 21,775,236 1.87
30 doc 2 0.00 180,222 0.02
31 default 2 0.00 5,262 0.00
32 lock 2 0.00 0 0.00
33 ro 2 0.00 74 0.00
34 pal 2 0.00 1,798 0.00
35 phphttp: 1 0.00 37 0.00
36 jar 1 0.00 12,488 0.00
37 it 1 0.00 37 0.00
38 com&add_radminsuper=1&admin=eCcgVU5JT04gU0VMRUNUIDEvKjox 1 0.00 37 0.00
39 1) 1 0.00 6,389 0.00
40 dk 1 0.00 229 0.00
41 AddComment&g2_itemId=7 1 0.00 165 0.00
42 36 1 0.00 25 0.00
43 34 1 0.00 25 0.00
44 org 1 0.00 37 0.00
45 tpl 1 0.00 1,284 0.00
46 se 1 0.00 217 0.00