Week of 7/26/2009 to 8/1/2009: Top 50 of 333 Referring Sites

Sorted by Access Count

Rank Referring Site Accesses % Bytes %
1 http://www.planetdeland.com 62,420 89.48 1,615,936,349 89.56
2 http://www.google.com 1,108 1.59 59,928,628 3.32
3 http://planetdeland.com 1,054 1.51 12,155,850 0.67
4 http://www.planetflorida.net 507 0.73 1,647,952 0.09
5 http://www.bing.com 250 0.36 4,530,293 0.25
6 http://www.stjohnsrivercampground.com 211 0.30 277,708 0.02
7 http://atomized.ca 201 0.29 85,306 0.00
8 http://pixsoulmedia.com 200 0.29 84,700 0.00
9 http://casv.ca 200 0.29 84,700 0.00
10 http://rvpark4u.com 200 0.29 84,700 0.00
11 http://castlekeepcavaliers.com 200 0.29 84,700 0.00
12 http://cavalierpedigrees.com 200 0.29 84,700 0.00
13 http://search.yahoo.com 197 0.28 6,115,585 0.34
14 168 0.24 2,278,788 0.13
15 http://www.deland.org 162 0.23 381,576 0.02
16 http://www.hpfishcamp.com 152 0.22 163,076 0.01
17 http://www.wonleerestaurant.com 137 0.20 10,637,800 0.59
18 http://jcslobsterpot.com 129 0.18 420,353 0.02
19 http://appleturnover.tv 109 0.16 28,073 0.00
20 http://images.google.com 88 0.13 3,139,987 0.17
21 http://www.orangetreeinn.net 87 0.12 309,387 0.02
22 http://www.herbsbymerlin.com 82 0.12 93,976 0.01
23 http://www.gokartinfo.com 78 0.11 95,358 0.01
24 http://www.briterhomerepair.com 78 0.11 1,528,576 0.08
25 http://deland.org 60 0.09 406,669 0.02
26 http://blogs.orlandosentinel.com 60 0.09 733,294 0.04
27 http://hactmike.livejournal.com 59 0.08 2,619,924 0.15
28 http://www.hontooncso.com 57 0.08 98,358 0.01
29 http://wonleerestaurant.com 57 0.08 4,056,483 0.22
30 http://www.jerrysbodyshopinc.com 57 0.08 201,576 0.01
31 http://paris-hilton-95.blog.onet.pl 54 0.08 2,381,324 0.13
32 http://sweeplinks.com 48 0.07 10,800 0.00
33 http://www.delandchamber.org 36 0.05 85,433 0.00
34 http://clinicsspokane.blogspot.com 31 0.04 465,571 0.03
35 http://search.aol.com 31 0.04 361,212 0.02
36 http://www.jcslobsterpot.com 30 0.04 64,092 0.00
37 http://majestic12.co.uk 26 0.04 16,068 0.00
38 http://www.jeyoungmdphd.com 26 0.04 30,404 0.00
39 http://www.ucew.org 25 0.04 159,321 0.01
40 http://kanjibitches.blogspot.com 24 0.03 2,354,766 0.13
41 http://www.ask.com 24 0.03 785,926 0.04
42 http://www.deltonabarbershop.com 24 0.03 73,806 0.00
43 http://www.compulsiveoutdoors.com 21 0.03 72,401 0.00
44 http://www.facebook.com 20 0.03 112,215 0.01
45 http://cc.bingj.com 18 0.03 370,615 0.02
46 http://www.myspace.com 18 0.03 904,932 0.05
47 http://us.yhs.search.yahoo.com 15 0.02 163,287 0.01
48 http://www.google.co.uk 14 0.02 2,785,130 0.15
49 http://maps.google.com 13 0.02 186,002 0.01
50 http://search.comcast.net 12 0.02 121,181 0.01