Week of 7/26/2009 to 8/1/2009: Top 50 of 745 Search Keywords

Sorted by Access Count

Rank Search Keyword(s) Accesses %
1 blue springs state park 117 7.42
2 deleon springs 58 3.68
3 deleon springs sugar mill 43 2.73
4 deleon springs pancakes 39 2.47
5 blue springs 38 2.41
6 old spanish sugar mill restaurant 26 1.65
7 hontoon island state park 25 1.59
8 blue spring state park 23 1.46
9 http://www.google.com/search?q=dodge ram accessories 21 1.33
10 1 19 1.20
11 aaa gun and pawn 18 1.14
12 0 17 1.08
13 deleon springs state park 17 1.08
14 0h 15 0.95
15 blue springs florida 14 0.89
16 gar+samuelson 12 0.76
17 won lee deland 12 0.76
18 old spanish sugar mill 12 0.76
19 2 12 0.76
20 aaa gun and pawn deland fl 12 0.76
21 sugar mill restaurant 11 0.70
22 candy castle 11 0.70
23 bjork 10 0.63
24 deleon springs fl 9 0.57
25 3 9 0.57
26 sugar mill restaurant deleon springs fl 8 0.51
27 mss 8 0.51
28 de leon springs 8 0.51
29 deleon springs florida 8 0.51
30 planetdeland.com 7 0.44
31 sugar mill deleon springs 7 0.44
32 deland,+fl 7 0.44
33 hontoon island 6 0.38
34 blue springs state park florida 6 0.38
35 blue springs fl 6 0.38
36 deland pawn shops 6 0.38
37 aaa gun 5 0.32
38 the old spanish sugar mill 5 0.32
39 ponce deleon springs pancakes 5 0.32
40 downtown deland 5 0.32
41 titleloans 4 0.25
42 deland+,+florida 4 0.25
43 planetdeland 4 0.25
44 sugar mill 4 0.25
45 4 4 0.25
46 pancake mill florida 4 0.25
47 aaa pawn deland 4 0.25
48 the old spanish sugar mill restaurant 4 0.25
49 deland, fl the castle candy shops 4 0.25
50 http://mystart.incredimail.com/english/ 4 0.25