Week of 9/20/2009 to 9/26/2009: Top 50 of 327 Referring Sites

Sorted by Access Count

Rank Referring Site Accesses % Bytes %
1 http://www.planetdeland.com 42,928 87.20 891,155,693 70.97
2 http://planetdeland.com 994 2.02 13,955,886 1.11
3 http://www.google.com 813 1.65 54,501,798 4.34
4 http://www.planetflorida.net 515 1.05 1,671,065 0.13
5 http://www.wonleerestaurant.com 252 0.51 18,074,650 1.44
6 http://hactmike.livejournal.com 211 0.43 8,659,119 0.69
7 http://images.google.com 198 0.40 9,660,899 0.77
8 http://www.stjohnsrivercampground.com 186 0.38 263,487 0.02
9 http://www.bing.com 180 0.37 7,529,047 0.60
10 http://search.yahoo.com 170 0.35 4,534,584 0.36
11 168 0.34 1,906,359 0.15
12 http://www.deland.org 140 0.28 404,659 0.03
13 http://ssa.cc 140 0.28 4,013,684 0.32
14 http://www.ssa.cc 126 0.26 3,499,440 0.28
15 http://www.hpfishcamp.com 119 0.24 125,762 0.01
16 http://jcslobsterpot.com 99 0.20 331,142 0.03
17 http://yandex.ru 88 0.18 91,887,144 7.32
18 http://www.gokartinfo.com 81 0.16 103,650 0.01
19 http://www.orangetreeinn.net 79 0.16 284,195 0.02
20 http://www.herbsbymerlin.com 73 0.15 93,976 0.01
21 http://kanjibitches.blogspot.com 72 0.15 1,569,844 0.13
22 http://www.delandchamber.org 62 0.13 46,994 0.00
23 http://www.jerrysbodyshopinc.com 54 0.11 170,912 0.01
24 http://clinicsspokane.blogspot.com 50 0.10 833,622 0.07
25 http://www.briterhomerepair.com 44 0.09 796,333 0.06
26 http://deland.org 42 0.09 334,109 0.03
27 http://www.hontooncso.com 41 0.08 59,548 0.00
28 http://briterhomerepair.com 40 0.08 913,957 0.07
29 37 0.08 1,453,664 0.12
30 http://www.ucew.org 37 0.08 215,886 0.02
31 http://www.jcslobsterpot.com 36 0.07 111,957 0.01
32 http://www.compulsiveoutdoors.com 36 0.07 85,456 0.01
33 28 0.06 0 0.00
34 http://search.aol.com 26 0.05 1,273,554 0.10
35 http://www.altavista.com 25 0.05 1,067,224 0.08
36 http://go.mail.ru 22 0.04 28,429,263 2.26
37 21 0.04 141,746 0.01
38 http://www.goodpokergames.com 20 0.04 12,231 0.00
39 http://expedia.bg 20 0.04 4,580 0.00
40 http://wendyatkinson.net 20 0.04 4,580 0.00
41 http://www.ask.com 20 0.04 198,272 0.02
42 http://translate.googleusercontent.com 18 0.04 205,603 0.02
43 http://herbsbymerlin.com 18 0.04 23,494 0.00
44 http://www.facebook.com 17 0.03 269,586 0.02
45 http://www.deltonabarbershop.com 17 0.03 41,282 0.00
46 http://www.goldrushproductions.com 16 0.03 65,100 0.01
47 15 0.03 196,627 0.02
48 http://compulsiveoutdoors.com 15 0.03 42,728 0.00
49 http://www.hypnosiseducation.com 14 0.03 17,966 0.00
50 http://blogs.orlandosentinel.com 13 0.03 164,359 0.01