Week of 9/20/2009 to 9/26/2009: Top 50 of 5,035 Visitor Sites

Sorted by Access Count

Rank Site Accesses % Bytes % Visits %
1 spider38.yandex.ru 7,027 9.52 47,974,384 2.85 15 0.36
2 rrcs-71-41-253-148.se.biz.rr.com 2,980 4.04 6,923,613 0.41 52 1.23
3 crawl-66-249-65-10.googlebot.com 2,183 2.96 55,596,684 3.31 117 2.77
4 llf531227.crawl.yahoo.net 1,610 2.18 16,321,574 0.97 47 1.12
5 crawl-66-249-65-28.googlebot.com 695 0.94 28,199,416 1.68 19 0.47
6 hosted-by.ecatel.net 561 0.76 5,756,982 0.34 0 0.00
7 llf531371.crawl.yahoo.net 483 0.65 2,965,834 0.18 11 0.27
8 93-174-93-38.alpha.secureglobal.org 381 0.52 3,909,822 0.23 0 0.00
9 crawl-66-249-65-9.googlebot.com 379 0.51 38,699,886 2.30 66 1.57
10 345 0.47 2,317,915 0.14 2 0.06
11 293 0.40 3,006,766 0.18 0 0.00
12 242 0.33 2,483,404 0.15 0 0.00
13 static.88-198-43-228.clients.your-server.de 232 0.31 2,380,784 0.14 0 0.00
14 b3091154.crawl.yahoo.net 230 0.31 858,238 0.05 52 1.23
15 static. 210 0.28 2,155,020 0.13 0 0.00
16 host-66-211-23-26 202 0.27 3,303,353 0.20 2 0.05
17 196 0.27 15,500,476 0.92 3 0.08
18 adsl-35-178-5.dab.bellsouth.net 193 0.26 1,952,386 0.12 1 0.03
19 adsl-77-45-117.mia.bellsouth.net 190 0.26 3,273,495 0.19 3 0.08
20 66-168-184-77.dhcp.gwnt.ga.charter.com 189 0.26 3,346,379 0.20 1 0.03
21 185 0.25 892,734 0.05 2 0.05
22 184 0.25 580,413 0.03 1 0.03
23 84-16-252-65.internetserviceteam.com 182 0.25 1,867,684 0.11 0 0.00
24 rrcs-71-41-117-114.se.biz.rr.com 179 0.24 4,031,005 0.24 4 0.11
25 cpe-97-104-101-65.cfl.res.rr.com 177 0.24 5,023,502 0.30 1 0.03
26 176 0.24 6,876,385 0.41 1 0.03
27 175 0.24 4,069,808 0.24 1 0.03
28 fl-71-49-31-149.dhcp.embarqhsd.net 170 0.23 5,788,606 0.34 2 0.05
29 c-69-244-243-218.hsd1.fl.comcast.net 168 0.23 4,313,566 0.26 1 0.03
30 165 0.22 2,751,348 0.16 1 0.03
31 c-75-69-25-156.hsd1.vt.comcast.net 160 0.22 1,092,006 0.06 1 0.03
32 euro.radiohost.pl 160 0.22 1,641,920 0.10 0 0.00
33 c-76-26-24-115.hsd1.fl.comcast.net 159 0.22 3,437,567 0.20 1 0.03
34 adsl-157-6-186.mco.bellsouth.net 155 0.21 2,850,882 0.17 1 0.03
35 adsl-10-237-204.mia.bellsouth.net 155 0.21 1,000,524 0.06 2 0.05
36 pool-71-241-137-241.burl.east.myfairpoint.net 153 0.21 1,034,958 0.06 1 0.03
37 152 0.21 9,160 0.00 41 0.99
38 149 0.20 1,063,446 0.06 1 0.03
39 147 0.20 4,913,826 0.29 1 0.03
40 144 0.20 1,477,728 0.09 0 0.00
41 cpe-173-170-37-148.tampabay.res.rr.com 144 0.20 3,065,304 0.18 5 0.14
42 c-98-203-72-255.hsd1.fl.comcast.net 143 0.19 4,151,783 0.25 1 0.03
43 97-124-64-167.phnx.qwest.net 143 0.19 988,698 0.06 1 0.03
44 abts-north-static- 140 0.19 2,317,072 0.14 4 0.11
45 abts-north-static- 140 0.19 2,317,072 0.14 3 0.08
46 139 0.19 2,192,573 0.13 1 0.03
47 138 0.19 4,237,665 0.25 2 0.05
48 138 0.19 6,295,066 0.37 2 0.05
49 136 0.18 4,777,327 0.28 2 0.05
50 crawler5008.ask.com 135 0.18 2,481,897 0.15 31 0.74