Week of 9/20/2009 to 9/26/2009: Top 48 of 48 File Types (Extensions)

Sorted by Access Count

Individual file types as determined by file extensions. All URLs that do not contain an extension are counted as directories.

Rank Type Accesses % Bytes %
1 jpg 29,034 39.32 930,208,896 55.32
2 htm 15,303 20.73 87,042,780 5.18
3 gif 13,331 18.06 65,216,235 3.88
4 Directory (folder) 11,631 15.75 62,213,658 3.70
5 html 2,262 3.06 25,340,082 1.51
6 GIF 594 0.80 8,787,858 0.52
7 JPG 425 0.58 14,177,400 0.84
8 dat 329 0.45 419,472,306 24.95
9 mid 269 0.36 2,580,380 0.15
10 txt 121 0.16 51,867,355 3.08
11 pdf 107 0.14 2,402,479 0.14
12 php 102 0.14 111,869 0.01
13 76 0.10 4,201 0.00
14 ram 46 0.06 2,671 0.00
15 class 40 0.05 218,067 0.01
16 js 25 0.03 219,185 0.01
17 com 23 0.03 5,231 0.00
18 au 17 0.02 96,281 0.01
19 cgi 14 0.02 810,422 0.05
20 default 13 0.02 20,014 0.00
21 sht 8 0.01 20 0.00
22 mv 7 0.01 1,154 0.00
23 css 6 0.01 474 0.00
24 UT 5 0.01 378 0.00
25 HTM 5 0.01 11,956 0.00
26 jar 4 0.01 24,976 0.00
27 swf 4 0.01 10,042,357 0.60
28 psd 4 0.01 139,396 0.01
29 lock 3 0.00 0 0.00
30 dk 2 0.00 458 0.00
31 hts 2 0.00 86 0.00
32 doc 2 0.00 180,222 0.01
33 htm&env_report=REMOTE_HOST,HTTP_USER_AGENT 2 0.00 0 0.00
34 PSD 2 0.00 144,944 0.01
35 pal 2 0.00 1,798 0.00
36 tpl 2 0.00 2,568 0.00
37 0&no_html=&mosConfig_absolute_path=http: 1 0.00 37 0.00
38 0&no_html=cat_view&gid=28&Itemid=&mosConfig_absolute_path=http: 1 0.00 37 0.00
39 de 1 0.00 229 0.00
40 com&add_radminsuper=1&admin=eCcgVU5JT04gU0VMRUNUIDEvKjox 1 0.00 37 0.00
41 3&no_html=1 1 0.00 37 0.00
42 comhttp: 1 0.00 37 0.00
43 ro 1 0.00 37 0.00
44 cdr 1 0.00 16,384 0.00
45 com&redirect=httpl: 1 0.00 3,443 0.00
46 errors=http: 1 0.00 37 0.00
47 AddComment&g2_itemId=7 1 0.00 153 0.00
48 rm 1 0.00 124,132 0.01