Week of 9/20/2009 to 9/26/2009: Top 50 of 197 Browsers (User Agents)

Sorted by Access Count

Rank Product Accesses % Bytes % Visits %
1 MSIE 7.0 16,971 23.14 386,578,328 23.25 812 19.46
2 MSIE 8.0 14,295 19.49 339,702,320 20.43 661 15.84
3 Netscape 5.0 12,290 16.76 296,174,360 17.81 997 23.90
4 MSIE 6.0 10,451 14.25 253,998,434 15.28 462 11.09
5 Win16 7,082 9.66 48,255,238 2.90 30 0.72
6 Googlebot/2.1 2,627 3.58 83,261,346 5.01 75 1.81
7 Yahoo! Slurp/3.0 2,543 3.47 22,137,140 1.33 128 3.08
8 msnbot/2.0b 1,481 2.02 5,056,733 0.30 148 3.56
9 Netscape 4.0 1,154 1.57 44,396,488 2.67 203 4.87
10 Googlebot-Image/1.0 632 0.86 40,244,140 2.42 136 3.26
11 Yeti/1.0 380 0.52 9,198,153 0.55 95 2.28
12 Baiduspider 355 0.48 334,537 0.02 1 0.03
13 Ask Jeeves/Teoma 226 0.31 6,223,745 0.37 49 1.20
14 msnbot/1.1 225 0.31 1,040,176 0.06 48 1.17
15 MSIE 6.0 166 0.23 1,255,798 0.08 19 0.48
16 Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.0 137 0.19 10,377,845 0.62 15 0.36
17 libwww-perl/5.805 116 0.16 21,797 0.00 12 0.30
18 YodaoBot/1.0 108 0.15 27,648 0.00 9 0.22
19 libwww-perl/5.79 82 0.11 13,784 0.00 4 0.11
20 Exabot/3.0 76 0.10 272,942 0.02 18 0.44
21 ScoutJet 72 0.10 379,707 0.02 8 0.20
22 Java/1.6.0_11 63 0.09 499,742 0.03 1 0.03
23 Opera/9.80 62 0.08 13,834,414 0.83 3 0.08
24 Sogou web spider/4.0 59 0.08 17,599 0.00 11 0.28
25 Google Photos Screensaver 2.0 57 0.08 520,125 0.03 0 0.00
26 WinHttp 55 0.08 779,251 0.05 27 0.67
27 libwww-perl/5.803 55 0.08 6,335 0.00 8 0.19
28 libwww-perl/5.831 53 0.07 11,636 0.00 11 0.28
29 Googlebot-Mobile/2.1 46 0.06 377,473 0.02 1 0.03
30 Opera/9.50 44 0.06 702,809 0.04 1 0.03
31 Java/1.6.0_16 43 0.06 348,907 0.02 1 0.03
32 Yahoo! SearchMonkey 1.0 41 0.06 593,634 0.04 2 0.06
33 KWC-S4000/ UP.Browser/ 40 0.05 494,821 0.03 3 0.08
34 swish-e http://swish-e.org/ 40 0.05 158,310 0.01 2 0.06
35 Speedy Spider 39 0.05 434 0.00 9 0.22
36 Yahoo! DE Slurp 39 0.05 54,187 0.00 15 0.36
37 Opera/9.26 39 0.05 1,407,182 0.08 1 0.03
38 BlackBerry9530/ Profile/MIDP-2.0 Configuration/CLDC-1.1 VendorID/105 37 0.05 807,095 0.05 2 0.06
39 NaverBot/1.0 35 0.05 263,588 0.02 10 0.25
40 OpenWeb 5.7.4-09 31 0.04 763,972 0.05 1 0.03
41 Mozilla/0.6 Beta 29 0.04 66,731 0.00 1 0.03
42 Java/1.6.0-oem 28 0.04 123,926 0.01 1 0.03
43 Opera/9.61 26 0.04 1,295,740 0.08 0 0.00
44 IP*Works! HTTP Component - www.dev-soft.com 25 0.03 0 0.00 0 0.00
45 MSR-ISRCCrawler 25 0.03 197,135 0.01 5 0.14
46 MSIE 7.0b 24 0.03 1,468,298 0.09 1 0.03
47 Opera/9.00 23 0.03 2,379,845 0.14 2 0.06
48 Opera/9.52 21 0.03 1,272,330 0.08 0 0.00
49 BlackBerry8350i/ Profile/MIDP-2.0 Configuration/CLDC-1.1 VendorID/103 20 0.03 338,378 0.02 2 0.06
50 Yahoo! Slurp China 20 0.03 148,822 0.01 2 0.06