Week of 4/18/2010 to 4/24/2010: Top 50 of 437 Referring Sites

Sorted by Access Count

Rank Referring Site Accesses % Bytes %
1 http://www.planetdeland.com 47,418 88.49 1,156,225,193 71.42
2 http://www.google.com 1,087 2.03 261,732,760 16.17
3 http://planetdeland.com 659 1.23 8,119,323 0.50
4 http://www.planetflorida.net 336 0.63 1,286,063 0.08
5 http://www.wonleerestaurant.com 288 0.54 17,160,788 1.06
6 http://www.bing.com 237 0.44 9,142,955 0.56
7 http://www.hpfishcamp.com 214 0.40 233,558 0.01
8 http://www.stjohnsrivercampground.com 196 0.37 246,068 0.02
9 http://codq.info 156 0.29 34,808 0.00
10 http://dearcomputer.nl 155 0.29 20,739,366 1.28
11 http://skylta.com 152 0.28 34,808 0.00
12 http://signx.info 152 0.28 34,808 0.00
13 http://search.yahoo.com 143 0.27 14,239,677 0.88
14 http://jcslobsterpot.com 125 0.23 393,852 0.02
15 http://byme.se 113 0.21 24,961 0.00
16 http://www.jcslobsterpot.com 90 0.17 320,460 0.02
17 http://www.briterhomerepair.com 89 0.17 1,606,597 0.10
18 http://us.mg204.mail.yahoo.com 87 0.16 2,096,014 0.13
19 http://www.jerrysbodyshopinc.com 65 0.12 157,857 0.01
20 http://github.com 54 0.10 6,167,332 0.38
21 52 0.10 333,099 0.02
22 http://images.google.com 51 0.10 1,678,335 0.10
23 http://www.herbsbymerlin.com 48 0.09 55,280 0.00
24 47 0.09 128,772 0.01
25 http://www.netvibes.com 44 0.08 3,027,104 0.19
26 http://www.hontooncso.com 42 0.08 88,342 0.01
27 http://www.deland.org 40 0.07 129,347 0.01
28 http://search.aol.com 33 0.06 524,726 0.03
29 http://www.fark.com 31 0.06 1,422,907 0.09
30 http://www.ask.com 31 0.06 7,169,901 0.44
31 http://www.gokartinfo.com 31 0.06 41,460 0.00
32 http://xixxi.de 30 0.06 6,870 0.00
33 http://www.h00ligan.de 30 0.06 6,870 0.00
34 http://www.rosio.de 30 0.06 6,870 0.00
35 http://www.ssa.cc 30 0.06 966,512 0.06
36 http://0am.de 30 0.06 6,870 0.00
37 http://www.vitamedizin.com 30 0.06 6,870 0.00
38 http://www.delandchamber.org 27 0.05 37,188 0.00
39 http://www.deltonabarbershop.com 24 0.04 61,505 0.00
40 http://webmail.aol.com 23 0.04 78,279 0.00
41 http://www.nationaldiscountshoes.com 22 0.04 5,006 0.00
42 http://www.ucew.org 21 0.04 138,540 0.01
43 http://wonleerestaurant.com 18 0.03 1,132,604 0.07
44 http://blogs.orlandosentinel.com 17 0.03 228,327 0.01
45 http://herbsbymerlin.com 17 0.03 20,730 0.00
46 http://jewelry-trollbeads.co.cc 17 0.03 7,670,345 0.47
47 http://translate.googleusercontent.com 14 0.03 182,994 0.01
48 http://www.yelp.com 13 0.02 60,346 0.00
49 http://www.google.co.uk 13 0.02 137,893 0.01
50 http://www.facebook.com 12 0.02 57,521 0.00