Week of 4/18/2010 to 4/24/2010: Top 50 of 4,405 Visitor Sites

Sorted by Access Count

Rank Site Accesses % Bytes % Visits %
1 b3090898.crawl.yahoo.net 3,135 4.43 41,807,288 2.17 19 0.50
2 crawl-66-249-65-250.googlebot.com 2,940 4.15 43,602,725 2.26 51 1.32
3 crawl4.dotnetdotcom.org 1,459 2.06 10,528,449 0.55 39 1.03
4 hosted-by.ecatel.net 984 1.39 10,075,800 0.52 2 0.06
5 crawl-66-249-65-239.googlebot.com 966 1.36 6,547,391 0.34 17 0.44
6 crawl-66-249-71-37.googlebot.com 669 0.94 26,060,633 1.35 38 0.99
7 c80-217-40-254.bredband.comhem.se 573 0.81 129,385 0.01 4 0.12
8 hosted-by-ecatel.net 372 0.53 3,817,464 0.20 0 0.00
9 369 0.52 18,409,477 0.95 4 0.11
10 352 0.50 33,143 0.00 2 0.06
11 overload.ocfl.net 331 0.47 9,566,386 0.50 11 0.29
12 rrcs-24-227-32-38.se.biz.rr.com 331 0.47 15,293,864 0.79 2 0.06
13 b3090866.crawl.yahoo.net 327 0.46 2,654,481 0.14 1 0.03
14 fl-67-232-204-62.dhcp.embarqhsd.net 318 0.45 12,852,144 0.67 2 0.06
15 307 0.43 324,239 0.02 41 1.06
16 297 0.42 7,553,645 0.39 2 0.06
17 68-237-135-207.chouteautel.com 268 0.38 3,778,373 0.20 1 0.03
18 cpe-97-104-43-11.cfl.res.rr.com 261 0.37 6,647,944 0.34 4 0.12
19 72-24-167-201.cpe.cableone.net 255 0.36 4,650,711 0.24 1 0.03
20 220 0.31 1,245,063 0.06 2 0.06
21 spider70.yandex.ru 220 0.31 1,078,302 0.06 49 1.27
22 70-91-160-38-lakecounty-fl.hfc.comcastbusiness.net 207 0.29 7,461,395 0.39 2 0.06
23 crawl-66-249-65-200.googlebot.com 193 0.27 2,179,196 0.11 18 0.47
24 80-249.96-97.tampabay.res.rr.com 190 0.27 1,739,970 0.09 1 0.03
25 inetgway72.fhmis.net 189 0.27 6,369,572 0.33 6 0.17
26 182 0.26 1,141,763 0.06 2 0.06
27 c-66-177-185-75.hsd1.fl.comcast.net 166 0.23 3,972,670 0.21 1 0.03
28 rrcs-24-227-114-41.se.biz.rr.com 166 0.23 3,885,236 0.20 1 0.03
29 163 0.23 10,305 0.00 45 1.17
30 pool-72-77-187-58.tampfl.fios.verizon.net 160 0.23 2,754,513 0.14 1 0.03
31 rrcs-71-41-229-242.se.biz.rr.com 148 0.21 1,691,360 0.09 1 0.03
32 crawl-66-249-71-204.googlebot.com 148 0.21 655,704 0.03 1 0.03
33 148 0.21 1,755,101 0.09 2 0.06
34 dohspxy1.doh.state.fl.us 146 0.21 10,523,615 0.55 4 0.12
35 146 0.21 4,716,777 0.24 3 0.09
36 c-67-190-203-153.hsd1.fl.comcast.net 146 0.21 5,822,664 0.30 1 0.03
37 209-16-113-131.net.bhntampa.com 143 0.20 935,720 0.05 1 0.03
38 pep2.shopwiki.com 141 0.20 1,189,087 0.06 6 0.17
39 54-228.97-97.tampabay.res.rr.com 139 0.20 5,319,885 0.28 2 0.06
40 139 0.20 5,178,997 0.27 1 0.03
41 natcrawlbloc01-30.net.m1.fti.net 138 0.19 894,587 0.05 36 0.94
42 mail.weilaquatronics.com 136 0.19 1,154,616 0.06 1 0.03
43 adsl-217-236-101.ags.bellsouth.net 136 0.19 4,052,192 0.21 1 0.03
44 135 0.19 4,226,748 0.22 1 0.03
45 135 0.19 3,803,317 0.20 2 0.06
46 c-71-203-154-52.hsd1.fl.comcast.net 134 0.19 1,896,794 0.10 1 0.03
47 nsc64.90.31-34.newsouth.net 134 0.19 4,023,874 0.21 3 0.09
48 134 0.19 5,751,055 0.30 2 0.06
49 133 0.19 4,405,051 0.23 1 0.03
50 natcrawlbloc01-29.net.m1.fti.net 131 0.18 809,240 0.04 26 0.67