Week of 2/13/2011 to 2/19/2011: Top 50 of 756 Exit Pages

Sorted by Exit Count

Rank Exit Page Exit Count %
1 /index.htm [Referrers] 720 17.04
2 /sugarmill/sugarpage2.htm [Referrers] 600 14.20
3 /bluesprings/ [Referrers] 273 6.46
4 /pd-toptest.htm [Referrers] 190 4.50
5 /deleonsprings/ [Referrers] 143 3.38
6 /sugarmill/menu2.html [Referrers] 143 3.38
7 /wonlee/index.htm [Referrers] 117 2.77
8 /bluesprings/tour.htm [Referrers] 103 2.44
9 /sugarmill/index.htm [Referrers] 100 2.37
10 /bluesprings/index.htm [Referrers] 74 1.75
11 /sugarmill/ [Referrers] 65 1.54
12 /deleonsprings/features.htm [Referrers] 62 1.47
13 /bluesprings/features.htm [Referrers] 60 1.42
14 /deleonsprings/index.htm [Referrers] 49 1.16
15 /deleonsprings/tour.htm [Referrers] 33 0.78
16 /downtown/tour-n-wood-w.htm [Referrers] 31 0.73
17 /bri-terhomerepair/index.htm [Referrers] 22 0.52
18 /hontoon/ [Referrers] 22 0.52
19 /downtown/intro.htm [Referrers] 20 0.47
20 /havanacuba/guestmap.htm [Referrers] 19 0.45
21 /downtown/tour-s-wood-e.htm [Referrers] 18 0.43
22 /courthouse/ [Referrers] 17 0.40
23 /deleonsprings/popup14.htm [Referrers] 17 0.40
24 /scyfl/ [Referrers] 17 0.40
25 /ultratruck/ [Referrers] 16 0.38
26 /deleonsprings/popup1.htm [Referrers] 16 0.38
27 /fatalopera.htm [Referrers] 16 0.38
28 /havanacuba/ [Referrers] 15 0.35
29 /javatestsite/calendar/test4.htm [Referrers] 15 0.35
30 /bluesprings [Referrers] 13 0.31
31 /stateparks/intro.htm [Referrers] 12 0.28
32 /movies/movieindex.htm [Referrers] 12 0.28
33 /hontoon/virtualtours3.htm [Referrers] 11 0.26
34 /stetson/topban.htm [Referrers] 11 0.26
35 /aaapawn/aaacoupons.htm [Referrers] 11 0.26
36 /phpMyAdmin/export.php [Referrers] 11 0.26
37 /hontoon/parkfeatures.htm [Referrers] 10 0.24
38 /delandbakery/cancelledindex.htm [Referrers] 10 0.24
39 /hontoon/rates.htm [Referrers] 9 0.21
40 /downtown/tour-s-wood-w.htm 9 0.21
41 /newcal/stateparks.htm [Referrers] 9 0.21
42 /javatestsite/starfield/starfield.html [Referrers] 9 0.21
43 /hontoon/virtualtours.htm [Referrers] 9 0.21
44 /candycastle/ [Referrers] 8 0.19
45 / [Referrers] 8 0.19
46 /downtown/misc1.htm [Referrers] 8 0.19
47 /hitchnpost.htm [Referrers] 8 0.19
48 /deleonsprings/popup5.htm [Referrers] 8 0.19
49 /hontoon/highlights.htm [Referrers] 7 0.17
50 /downtown/tour-n-wood-e.htm [Referrers] 7 0.17