Week of 9/2/2012 to 9/8/2012: Top 23 of 23 Domains Visited via Proxy Server

Sorted by Access Count

Rank Site Accesses % Bytes %
1 com 1,780 38.78 5,862,049 47.05
2 europe 983 21.42 1,609,546 12.92
3 asia 613 13.36 1,989,416 15.97
4 net 262 5.71 2,964,765 23.80
5 UNKNOWN 222 4.84 9,658 0.08
6 ws 152 3.31 3,800 0.03
7 org 143 3.12 5,699 0.05
8 namerica 118 2.57 2,974 0.02
9 samerica 81 1.76 2,565 0.02
10 cat 79 1.72 2,839 0.02
11 africa 75 1.63 2,331 0.02
12 australia 27 0.59 1,167 0.01
13 southpacific 14 0.31 782 0.01
14 caribbean 10 0.22 334 0.00
15 antarctica 9 0.20 333 0.00
16 185:8080 7 0.15 175 0.00
17 info 5 0.11 185 0.00
18 nu 3 0.07 495 0.00
19 gif? 2 0.04 74 0.00
20 biz 2 0.04 266 0.00
21 rs 1 0.02 37 0.00
22 org:6113 1 0.02 37 0.00
23 org:8080 1 0.02 37 0.00