Week of 11/10/2013 to 11/16/2013: Top 27 of 27 Domains Visited via Proxy Server

Sorted by Access Count

Rank Site Accesses % Bytes %
1 com 3,187 39.73 90,572,404 96.50
2 europe 1,438 17.93 596,073 0.64
3 asia 1,375 17.14 77,593 0.08
4 net 555 6.92 1,876,070 2.00
5 UNKNOWN 381 4.75 526,712 0.56
6 info 208 2.59 5,848 0.01
7 org 184 2.29 8,196 0.01
8 africa 169 2.11 181,599 0.19
9 ws 143 1.78 3,671 0.00
10 caribbean 126 1.57 3,270 0.00
11 samerica 125 1.56 3,509 0.00
12 194:32000 32 0.40 800 0.00
13 namerica 21 0.26 549 0.00
14 southpacific 20 0.25 752 0.00
15 australia 17 0.21 701 0.00
16 185:8080 16 0.20 400 0.00
17 antarctica 10 0.12 298 0.00
18 biz 3 0.04 111 0.00
19 org:6113 2 0.02 446 0.00
20 gif? 2 0.02 74 0.00
21 117:8090 1 0.01 37 0.00
22 tw:8080 1 0.01 37 0.00
23 109:8080 1 0.01 37 0.00
24 com:55000 1 0.01 25 0.00
25 php?x=php 1 0.01 37 0.00
26 cat 1 0.01 37 0.00
27 edu 1 0.01 37 0.00