Week of 11/10/2013 to 11/16/2013: Top 50 of 262 Search Keywords

Sorted by Access Count

Rank Search Keyword(s) Accesses %
1 956x1440 37 6.03
2 image 35 5.70
3 deland florida 20 3.26
4 mss 18 2.93
5 lsm 956x1440 17 2.77
6 teloskop building la 15 2.44
7 lsn 956x1440 10 1.63
8 byte deland 10 1.63
9 http://www.google.com/m%3fq%3d%26client%3dms-hms-tmobile-wow-us 10 1.63
10 puctures of downtown deland, fl 9 1.47
11 de leon springs 8 1.30
12 http://m.facebook.com/l.php%3fu%3dhttp://telcel-cw.qpass.com/ 8 1.30
13 won lee deland fl 8 1.30
14 deland florida pictures 7 1.14
15 /z /resource/apps/intrastart.html 7 1.14
16 blue springs 7 1.14
17 jpg4.us 6 0.98
18 deleon springs pancake 6 0.98
19 http://www.google.com/search?q=http://www.google.com/search?q=http://www.google.com/search?q=http://www.google.com/search?q=http://www.google.com/search?q=http://www.google.com/search?q=http://www.google.com/search?q=hr/ 6 0.98
20 deleon springs state park 6 0.98
21 yhs-fh_lsonsw 6 0.98
22 deland fl 5 0.81
23 http://www.google.co.in/imgres?q=sax open girl photo 5 0.81
24 956x1440 lsm 5 0.81
25 havana cuban food 5 0.81
26 the old spanish sugar mill 5 0.81
27 ufo 956x1440 4 0.65
28 ekepek 4 0.65
29 deland, florida 4 0.65
30 won lee deland 4 0.65
31 deleon springs 4 0.65
32 mie nissin 4 0.65
33 956x1440 image 4 0.65
34 new york ave and woodland blvd downtown deland 4 0.65
35 deltona chamber of commerce 4 0.65
36 lco 956x1440 4 0.65
37 lco+imagesize+%e6%8a%95%e7%a8%bf%e7%94%bb%e5%83%8f++pic.village.geo.jp 3 0.49
38 pancakes florida state park 3 0.49
39 anoword.com ass 3 0.49
40 956x1440+mobihide 3 0.49
41 ponce de leon springs pancakes 3 0.49
42 chinese food 3 0.49
43 blue springs state park 3 0.49
44 logo air cond 3 0.49
45 bit 956x1440 3 0.49
46 murals painted in deland courthouse 3 0.49
47 sugar de leon 3 0.49
48 deland+florida 3 0.49
49 won lee deland phone number 2 0.33
50 prarllolitas 2 0.33