Week of 1/5/2014 to 1/11/2014: Top 26 of 26 Domains Visited via Proxy Server

Sorted by Access Count

Rank Site Accesses % Bytes %
1 com 10,063 39.59 120,607,243 94.21
2 europe 4,446 17.49 212,210 0.17
3 asia 4,332 17.04 234,738 0.18
4 net 2,933 11.54 6,863,397 5.36
5 UNKNOWN 1,044 4.11 28,032 0.02
6 info 698 2.75 18,242 0.01
7 org 473 1.86 17,249 0.01
8 caribbean 288 1.13 7,500 0.01
9 ws 268 1.05 6,880 0.01
10 africa 213 0.84 6,657 0.01
11 samerica 170 0.67 6,102 0.00
12 antarctica 150 0.59 4,170 0.00
13 southpacific 124 0.49 3,316 0.00
14 185:8080 82 0.32 2,062 0.00
15 australia 37 0.15 2,589 0.00
16 194:32000 37 0.15 937 0.00
17 namerica 36 0.14 960 0.00
18 210:8000 13 0.05 337 0.00
19 biz 4 0.02 532 0.00
20 org:6113 2 0.01 446 0.00
21 com:55000 2 0.01 50 0.00
22 nu 2 0.01 266 0.00
23 org:8080 1 0.00 37 0.00
24 gif? 1 0.00 37 0.00
25 biz:8090 1 0.00 37 0.00
26 th:8080 1 0.00 37 0.00