Week of 1/5/2014 to 1/11/2014: Top 10 of 4,464 Referring Pages

Sorted by Access Count

Rank Referring Page Accesses % Bytes %
1 http://www.planetdeland.com/ 6,431 5.43 5,088,696,123 63.63
2 http://www.planetdeland.com/sugarmill/ 6,186 5.22 389,310,220 4.87
3 http://www.planetdeland.com/sugarmill/menu2.html 5,109 4.31 157,400,300 1.97
4 http://www.planetdeland.com/sugarmill/sugarpage2.htm 4,081 3.44 68,550,469 0.86
5 http://www.planetdeland.com/deleonsprings/tour.htm 3,144 2.65 48,132,022 0.60
6 http://www.planetdeland.com/index.htm 2,491 2.10 1,201,029 0.02
7 http://www.planetdeland.com/deleonsprings/ 2,251 1.90 36,580,044 0.46
8 http://www.planetdeland.com/bluesprings/ 2,211 1.87 28,171,985 0.35
9 http://videosnpictures.com/956x1440 2,098 1.77 96,310,621 1.20
10 http://www.planetdeland.com/09/Guestbook/addguest.html 1,342 1.13 829,356 0.01