Week of 1/5/2014 to 1/11/2014: Top 50 of 311 Search Keywords

Sorted by Access Count

Rank Search Keyword(s) Accesses %
1 wwww.google.com br 113 15.72
2 deland florida 15 2.09
3 mss 15 2.09
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5 956x1440 12 1.67
6 xfree.hu+imagesize%3a956x1440+45/pic1.html 10 1.39
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8 deland fl 10 1.39
9 content://downloads/search?q= 9 1.25
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11 deleon springs 9 1.25
12 downtown+deland+florida 8 1.11
13 http://www.google.fr/search?q=orange 8 1.11
14 won lee deland fl 8 1.11
15 www.google.com.pk/search%3fhl%3den%26ie%3dutf-8%26q%3dsex%2byas 8 1.11
16 blue springs 7 0.97
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19 xxsmodels.info dany oceane 6 0.83
20 http://www.google.com/search?hl=de 6 0.83
21 az+lib+ru 6 0.83
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23 deland+florida 5 0.70
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25 image 5 0.70
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27 old sugar mill fl 5 0.70
28 blue springs state park 4 0.56
29 http://www.google.com/m?client=ms-android-samsung 4 0.56
30 wap.ua anoword fusker 4 0.56
31 byte of deland 4 0.56
32 deland fl. 4 0.56
33 deleon springs sugar mill 4 0.56
34 sugar mill deleon springs 4 0.56
35 won lees deland 4 0.56
36 imgsrc.ru/main/user.php user=wania 4 0.56
37 won lee menu deland 4 0.56
38 mywebsearch.com/index.jhtml 4 0.56
39 =133247963 3 0.42
40 http://www.google.com/search?q=keez movie 3 0.42
41 chinese restaurant 3 0.42
42 jpg4.us lsp fuck 3 0.42
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44 menu for peter pan restaurant open park florida 3 0.42
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50 preteen imgrsc 3 0.42