Week of 1/5/2014 to 1/11/2014: Top
10 Search Keywords
by Server Used
- Dogpile
2: won lees deland
- Google
113: wwww.google.com br
15: deland florida
12: 956x1440
12: pictures of delan, fl
10: xfree.hu+imagesize%3a956x1440+45/pic1.html
10: deland fl
9: deleon springs pancake house
9: steve's downtown music deland
9: content://downloads/search?q=
8: www.google.com.pk/search%3fhl%3den%26ie%3dutf-8%26q%3dsex%2byas
- Yahoo
15: mss
8: downtown+deland+florida
6: az+lib+ru
5: deland+florida
5: deland%2c+fl
5: image
2: 956x1440+8+site
2: old spanish sugar mill restaurant
2: yhs-fh_lsonsw
2: blue springs